1.重新安装Visual Studio C++组件:有时候,安装或配置Visual Studio C++组件时遇到的问题可能导致EA App错误代码inst-14-1612。可以重新安装Visual Studio C++组件,并确保选中与C++相关的组件。 2.清理临时文件:临时文件可能会导致各种问题,包括错误代码inst-14-1612。可以删除一些常见的临时文件夹中的内容,如C:Users你...
关于EA的错误 INST-14-1612,这通常与安装或配置Visual Studio C++组件时遇到的问题相关。根据您提供的信息,您已经尝试过修复Visual Studio C++,但问题仍然存在。以下是一些建议和可能的解决方案,您可以尝试以下步骤:1. 确保安装了正确的Visual Studio版本:确保您安装了支持C++的Visual Studio版本。在安装过程中,请确保...
当我尝试安装 EA 应用程序时,我收到一个错误代码,指出 EP 应用程序无法完成安装和错误代码:INST-14-1612。该错误多久发生一次? 每次(100%)步骤:我们如何自己找到错误? 您要安装 EA 应用程序。当错误发生时会发生什么? 弹出错误并关闭 EA 应用安装程序。你期待看到什么? 我想安装 EA 应用程序并玩我的游戏。请...
Pour l'erreur INST-14-1612 et 09-D8C2, j'ai trouvé une nouvelle solution. L'erreur provenait de Microsoft Visual C++ anciens, installés il y a quelques années, ensuite désinstallés mais dont la clef de registre était toujours enregistrée. C'est cette clef de registre qui pos...
Re: INST-14-1612 #11 May 2023 Options Schadena ★★★ Newbie 63 pt I couldn't download the EA app or get it work so I uninstalled it and tried Steam instead to try and get EA to work. Ran into an error that gives me: INST-3-1920. Reply 0 + XP #12 June 2023 ...
Re: Can't install EA app (INST-14-1612) Well, it's been about five months now and I still don't have access to the EA games I paid money for. None of the troubleshooting steps have worked. And before somebody suggests this is my fault, that my computer is simply not advanc...
Re: Can't install EA app (INST-14-1612) @virtualbalboa_ggWe cannot speak to how other programs are installed. We can only speak to the EA App. The 1612/1603 errors are a Microsoft install error, not an EA App error which means that something in Windows, not the EA App is ...
Re: INST-14-1612 #11 May 2023 Options Schadena ★★★ Newbie 62 pt I couldn't download the EA app or get it work so I uninstalled it and tried Steam instead to try and get EA to work. Ran into an error that gives me: INST-3-1920. Reply 0 + XP #12 June 2023 ...
Your Point 1: The 1612/1603 errors are a Microsoft install error, not an EA App error which means that something in Windows, not the EA App is preventing the... - 7565895