Dell Inspiron 15 (3520) How-To Install & Replace Your LCD Screen Learn how to remove the LCD Screen on the Inspiron 15 (3520) laptop. This will take you step by step through the complete removal process. A Phillips head screwdriver and a plastic scribe are needed for this replacement. ...
ebay金牌卖家现有Dell戴尔Inspiron7568 15.6"2in1 触控笔记本降至529.99美元的超值价位,喜欢的值友可以去看看。该款配置:15.6吋触控屏幕,第六代英特尔酷睿i7-6500U处理器,Win10Pro操作系统, Office 2016办公软件,8GB内存,1TB硬盘,日常办公使用毫无压力。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品 2 下单 电脑...