mkcert - simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like. certstrap - tools to bootstrap CAs, certificate requests, and signed certificates. Sublert - is a security and reconnaissance tool to automatically monitor new subdomains. mkchain - open so...
Coordination, also known as alignment, communication, shared roadmap, Gantt chart and many other positive sounding names, is the arch-enemy of the autonomous team. 🎞 Monoliths vs Microservices is Missing the Point—Start with Team Cognitive Load by the authors of team topologies. Organizing soft...
“Technology-based violence is violence and discrimination propagated through technology, such as cyberbullying and cyber-attacks. People can hide behind pseudo accounts and names,” she says. “This problem has become global because everyone is connected by technology and the audience is everywhere.”...
204 God revealed himself progressively and under different names to his people, but the revelation that proved to be the fundamental one for both the Old and the New Covenants was the revelation of the divine name to Moses in the theophany of the burning bush, on the threshold of the Exodus...
those they are to protect often become more and more “abstract.” To illustrate, the CEO of a major corporation leads massive numbers of people whose names they will simply never know. And given this state of affairs, as Sinek concludes, in organizations—and he actually uses the following ...
Household names like Sugar Ray Leonard, Joe Calzaghe, Nigel Benn, Chris Eubank, Roy Jones Jnr and Iran Barkley have held Super Middleweight world titles. Some of those fighters are pound for pound the greatest names in the sport, and some of the fights, the best the world has ever seen....
t. He was a good guy with a kind heart beating in his biker chest. Reinforced by his presence, the trained newspaper reporter within me tried to throw the three men off balance by rapidly asking them a few personal questions. Things like: whether they were local, what their names were,...
Making sure different symbols represent different letters leaves 2,160 names, the most common of which is Dominguez. There’s no pattern that I can see in the most common names. So we need more information. The last letter uses the same symbol as the I in Ezinicki. Of course, it doesn...
The Tanoox has existed throughout history and across alternate realities and, as a connective narrative device, it provides a neat and clever way to allow the multiple names involved in this project to approach the book’s subject matter from a variety of angles. ...
what life has served them to bring them to this moment, what they are discussing in that moment and why they are in the cafe. I usually give them names and whilst I add details that probably overdramatise the situation, I sip my tea and walk away. It’s purely an observation activity...