When we are talking about the best tattoo designs for women, inspirational and positive quotes are always very popular. There are a lot of men too who like writing getting inked which they find relatable. These tattoo designs for men are getting trendy among women too. The people who are at...
TheseAfrican American Quotes on Faithare inspiring, motivational, and great to remember all times of the year. Many of these sayings are talked about during Black History Month but these inspiring thoughts are ones that need to be on our minds each and every day. Make certain to check out o...
STAR WARS – Obi-Wan Kenobi “May the Force be with you.” Jedi MasterObi-Wan Kenobitakes his place in cinematic history as mentor to Luke Skywalker, guiding him in the ways of the Force. This iconic adventure set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away has appeared on AFI’s a...
an empowerment narrative to fit in nicely alongside heaps of youtube feel-goodism and instagram inspirational quotes and the more sugary wisps of whatever is left of glee. and yet . . . i couldn’t tell you a single one of these people’s names. none of them have any kind of character...