Here, we have gathered a compilation of Bible verses about love formarriage, amongfriends, and even loving your neighbors and enemies. The Bible says thatGod is love, which makes the Word of God the perfect source to know what true love means and how we can love others as God loves us...
Kim's Homepage of Quotes:"Quotes Subject Database: Acceptance, Adversity, Anger and Forgiveness, Belief, Bible Verses, Change, Children & Youth, Christian Quotations, Circumstances, Creativity, Dawson's Creek, Death, Decisions, Dreams, Fear, Friendship, Goodbyes, Gratitude, Happiness, Humorous, Jour...
Explore our Christian organic t-shirt collection with various designs and bible verses like “Jesus is King” & “Saved by Grace”. At Jesus Shirt you’ll find apparel, not calendars, books or candles. Discover our vintage-inspired and modern Christian designs, even Christian lettering with upli...
Explore our Christian organic t-shirt collection with various designs and bible verses like “Jesus is King” & “Saved by Grace”. At Jesus Shirt you’ll find apparel, not calendars, books or candles. Discover our vintage-inspired and modern Christian designs, even Christian lettering with upli...
Then the holidays arrive, and this blessed season can be a reminder of the precious people who are no longer here to celebrate it. Maybe in youth, one can blissfully ignore the chasm death and even geographical distance create. But as we grow older, we often become nostalgic for those who...