A review of recent literature on thrust generation mechanisms by a hydrofoil, bioinspired from fish locomotion is presented. The present work considers fish-inspired periodic kinematics of three types: pitching, heaving, and undulations along with the combination of some of these motions. The pitching...
Because of our sinful nature and our perpetual continuing to do so, John strongly declares “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). As we confess, we are saying the same thing about our situ...
Melissa continues to be busy with her quilting and has brought me another of her quilts. This one is Wild By Nature Stepping Stones. With an inspired throw pillow she found on Pinterest and not a pattern to follow, Melissa sat down with graph papered designed this one. The pattern was e...
But when you are resentful to a person, you concentrate on the differences: 'We don't have the same goals, we are seeing in different directions, we don't see eye to eye.' When you are infatuated with somebody, you want to kiss them, taste them and eat them. When you resent them...
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Life, by nature, is unpredictable, but I am at a time where my “map” of the future is more a collection of zig-zags and spirals and crisscrossing arrows than a land mass marked “A” and a mass marked “B” and a straight and solid line connecting the two. My current map looks...
A few days beforehand, I looked up directions to Sharabi Village in Google Maps, which responded, “can’t find a way there.” I nearly bailed, but met a new embassy friend who said she’d go, too. We’d attended one yoga class together then paid in cash for an experience called,...
where λ is the wavelength of the sinusoidal profile, and i and j are the unit vectors in the x and y directions, respectively. The authors paid significant attention to the mathematical model of the motion of a flexible magnetic swimmer in an external magnetic field. It was shown that, in...