The effect of the composition of the inspired air on the circulation through the brain: Irving, Lawrence, and Welch, Mary Scott: Quart. J. Exper. Physiol. 25: 121, 1935doi:10.1016/S0002-8703(36)90403-9E.AMosby, Inc.American Heart Journal...
The volume of inspired air that exchanges gas is VA* and the volume of expired air that originates from the exchanging regions is VA. The volume of this expired air is equal to the volume of inspired air less the volume of O2 taken up plus the volume of CO2 excreted: [6.3.A1.3]VA=...
In vascular networks, the transport across different vessel walls regulates chemical compositions in blood over space and time. Replicating such trans-wall transport with spatial heterogeneity can empower synthetic fluidic systems to program fluid compos
Effect of Combined Oxygen Therapy and Use of a Surgical Mask or N95 Mask on Inspired Oxygen Fraction and Expired Carbon Dioxide Fraction Combined use of a surgical mask and oxygen mask might decrease the inspired oxygen concentration and increase the risk of hypercapnia. We investigated the ... ...
due to an expired visa, he stuck around Paris and reconfigured his entire life and musical vision, forming the whimsical space-rock outfit Gong. The band evolved considerably over the years — following Allen’s temporary exit in the mid-‘70s, they moved completely into a fusion-y, ...
The effect of the composition of the inspired air on the circulation through - Irving, Welch - 1935 () Citation Context ...The blood CO, tension may be substantially reduced with a consequent rise in the blood pH and resultant aikaiosis; constriction of the cerebral vessels and reduced ...
Responses in size, output and efficiency of the human heart to acute alteration in the composition of inspired air - Keys, JP () Citation Context ...onsequences of hypoxia on left ventricular function remain a matter of controversy, in part because of differences in methodology and the measure...
Completed the first step of context composition is being proposed to the user the first result which is the location of shadows and wind calm areas. These two atmospheric forces are graphed clearly outlining a more complete view of the scenario as Figure 6. Figure 6. The augmented reality visu...
Several naturally occurring biological systems, such as bones, nacre or wood, display hierarchical architectures with a central role of the nanostructuration that allows reaching amazing properties such as high strength and toughness. Developing such architectures in man-made materials is highly challenging...