ads about how great Inspire is and how easy the implant process is but fails to bring up the many side effects and potential problems. For example, it doesn’t mention the company’s own findings that 18.8% of their patients are worse off a year after the implant than they were before....
The procedures performed to implant, revise, or explant our device are described for billing purposes in the U.S. with Category I Current Procedural Terminology codes (64582, 64583, and 64584, respectively). A Category I code (42975) is also used for Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy ("DISE") ...
The Inspireimplant keeps your airway open while you sleep, so you can breathe regularly and sleep soundly. The InspireTMremote The Inspire remote simply turns on your therapy when you’re ready to sleep. No mask or hose required. The Inspire® app ...