After your procedure, it’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions and give yourself time to rest and relax. Learning your Inspire™ remote Learn how to use your Inspire remote to easily control your therapy and adjust and monitor the settings. Connect to the Inspire app See how ...
How does Inspire Sleep Apnea Treatment work? Inspire is implanted in a simple surgical procedure. Approximately one month after surgery, when you are ready to sleep, you can turn the device on with a simple remote control. While yousleep, the Inspire senses breathing and sends a gentle pulse ...
Inspire therapy may be a treatment option for your obstructive sleep apnea patients who struggle with CPAP.
The small Inspire® implant is placed near your collarbone during an approximately 90-minute outpatient procedure. After the safe procedure, most people take over-the-counter pain medication and, within a few days, can resume non-strenuous activities. ...
Instead of using a machine outside of your body to force air into your airway through a mask and hose, the Inspire implant works comfortably2 inside your body to treat the root cause of your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Your browser does not support the video tag. When we sleep, our...
I am having a dental procedure done. What should I tell my dentist? Can I get a mammogram with Inspire® therapy? What types of medical imaging are compatible with the Inspire® implant? Inspire remote How do I use the Inspire™ remote? Video How do I replace the batteries on my ...