Also visualising of the manner of the creation it was necessary organ, principle incompatibilitas, of the political neutrality or the immunity which refer to GIODO. Extended characteristics of GIODO entitlements expressed in the Data Protection Act are closing the Whole of deliberations what allowed...
Opinia prawna w sprawie łączenia stanowiska Generalnego Inspektora Ochrony Danych Osobowych z mandatem posła (senatora, posła do PE, radnego).The purpose of this opinion is to answer the question whether a prohibition to jointly perform the position of the Inspector General for Personal...
Opinia prawna na temat dopuszczalnoci sprawowania mandatu posa (senatora) przez Generalnego Inspektora Ochrony Danych Osobowych, jak rwnie przez Rzecznika UbezpieczonychThe opinion focuses on analyzing capability to exercise the mandate of a Deputy (or a Senator) by the Inspector General for ...
Opinia w sprawie dopuszczalnosci pelnienia mandatu parlamentarnego przez Generalnego Inspektora Ochrony Danych Osobowych i Rzecznika UbezpieczonychThe opinion is to determine whether the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection or the Insurance Ombudsman may, under the existing legal framework,...