Samar Pratap Singh is the Director-General of Police for Uttar Pradesh, and he is played by prolific actor, Zakir Hussain. Hussain is a veteran of Hindi movies and television, with his first role coming in 2004 as Shaukat Malik inNetaji Subhas Chandra Bose: The Forgotten Hero. He later app...
SSC will hold an Open Competitive Computer Based Examination for Recruitment of Sub-Inspector (SI) in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs). Departmental candidates among Constables, Head Constables, and Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Delhi Police w...
General Category candidates: Rs. 360 SC/ ST/ O-BC category candidates: Rs. 120 Ex-servicemen of Himachal Pradesh: No Fee Himachal Pradesh Police SI Exam Centre 2022 The Himachal Pradesh Police SI exam centres will be mentioned in the HP Police SI admit card. The Himachal Pradesh Police SI...
Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police-Male: Syllabus Syllabus (Paper-I): → General Intelligence & Reasoning: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. This component may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem solving...