SAP QM 权限控制可以到Inspection Type上 比如我是以一个仓库operator的账号去试图显示一个检验批, 系统报错:You do not have authorization for inspection type 01. -完- 写于2021-7-16.
简介:SAP QM 权限控制可以到Inspection Type上 SAP QM 权限控制可以到Inspection Type上 比如我是以一个仓库operator的账号去试图显示一个检验批, 系统报错:You do not have authorization for inspection type 01.
Note: Before creation of inspection lot in SAP, you need to check the inspection type setting in the material master. You can refer below steps to activate valid inspection type for material. Step 1:Go to tcode “MM02” and enter the required material code. Step 2: Choose the views “Q...
Early inspection lot generation on release of Production order thorugh 1704 inspection type in S/4 HANA 1809 former_member651353 Participant 2020 Jul 16 3:21 AM 10 Kudos 14,170 SAP Managed Tags: PLM Quality Management (QM) Purpose: The Purpose ...
SAP QM In-process inspection in Discrete Manufacturing,IntroductionThisdocumentdescribesthein-processinspectionprocessfordiscretemanufacturing(ProductionOrder)withsequenceofstepsincludingmasterdataneededandtransactiondatatobeexecutedalongwithscreenshots
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MAN Production Planning (PP) Hi, I have maintained 03 and 04 inspection type in a material. There is only one operation with auto goods receipt. I have assigned MICs in routing which is working fine for in-process activity in QA32 but after confirmation syst...
SAP TQ30 Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in this table.You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in TQ30 table. MANDT: Client Its a key field. Its data type is C (Character String) with field length 3 ...
SAP Managed Tags: PLM Quality Management (QM) Hi, I have developed a report which displays : class , inspection type , usage type for the materials. I extracted inspection type from qmat for all materials, my problem is for every material there are multiple inspection types, how to get...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) HI Guru In Mat master inspectiontype13 is active,In recepie for material and version ,Inspection charac.assigned in Operational level,Inspection point is quantity based After releasing the Process order,Inspection lot not generated I tr...
QPL10001 - EXIT_SAPLQPL1_002 QAAT0001 - EXIT_SAPLQAAT_002 Ensure that both inspection types "01" and "0130" are active in the material SM1. But add 'preferred inspection type' only for inspection type "01". Now with this enhancement in place, it should pick the subcontract inspection ...