Specifications (Inspection Plan) Some more plans: Inspection Plan PLKO Inspection plan Header Inspection Plan MAPL Material Assignement Inspection Plan PLPO Operation Details Inspection Plan PLMK Inspection plan characteristics Inspection Plan PLMW MAPL-Dependent Charac. Specifications (Inspection Plan)...
While going through SAP help i found this statement 'When you create a task list, you can specify master inspection characteristics and you can also create inspection characteristics in the task list' I know creating MIC and assigning it in inspection plan but i am not aware of How to create...
You set this indicator if the inspection result for an inspection characteristic is not determined through the inspection of this characteristic, but on the basis of calculations using the inspection results of other characteristics within the same operation.The SAP syst...
Inspection Plan Inspection Plan assists in outlining the procedures and specifications for conducting Quality Inspections on one or multiple materials. The plan defines the sequence of Inspection Operations, Inspection Characteristics in the operations and other data. A part of Inspection Plan Inspection L...
the following conversion factors are stored in the material master record:4 pieces = 3 l8 pieces = 9 kgIn the inspection plan, it is defined that characteristics 1, 3, 4, and 6 (material sample 100) are to be inspected in laboratory 1 a...
Business want to update the assay, LOD and Potency (potency based on assay & LOD) values to batch characteristics so we must create Master inspection characteristics like Assay, LOD and potency with refence to batch class characteristics. These MICs to be update in Inspection ...
Single sampling inspection plans having desired operation characteristics by variables (standard deviation known)doi:JIS Z 9003:1979
Settings: In Inspection Plan: Scenario No: 1: DMR at MIC level (if you want DMR at Characteristics level): We use this if we want skip functionality at individual MICs (Characteristics) level during RR or to Change the Quality level for Individual characters (MIC). Setting for Individual MI...
I have developed a custom FM which uses "BAPI_INSPOPER_RECORDRESULTS" by passing sample_result and single_result table in the FM along with Inspeciton Point data. The characteristics get updated correctly but the Physical Sample does not complete ( turn green ) and gives "You have not complet...
功能描述:Display Master Inspection Characteristics OData服务: UI5激活SAP应用: 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:Quality Planner, Quality Technician; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product: APP类型:GUI(SAP GUI TRANSACTION) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive ...