visit room and in-situ reprovisioning of these facilities in a new multi-purpose block to be constructed. (c) 拆卸現時設有通訊室、收押室、大閘看守室及探訪室的大樓,繼而建 造 1 座新的多用途大樓,以原地重置這 些設施。 They are essential to the mandate, as...
Define in situ. in situ synonyms, in situ pronunciation, in situ translation, English dictionary definition of in situ. adv. & adj. In the original position. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by
These observations implied that potential-driven composition evolution of Cu oxides and hydroxides provide abundant vacancy sites for surface adsorption of OH to facilitate oxygen evolution through diminished OH/O ratio by releasing H to form desirable crystallization, which was further confirmed by quasi...
金红石(TiO2)、锡石(SnO2)和铌铁矿[(Fe, Mn)(Ta, Nb)2O6]等含铀矿物成分单一,结构简单,而且成因比较明确,容易得到地质意义明确的Hf同位素组成信息。目前,国内外学者对锆石、斜锆石、异性石、钙钛锆石等Hf含量较高的矿物进行了大量的原位Hf同位素测定方法研究[3-13],但对于Hf含量较低(通常 <100μg/g)或Yb...
EM response and microwave absorption performance of MXene/TiO2hybrids. Complex permittivity ofaMT-2,bMT-3,cMT-4 anddMT-5.e–hCole–Cole plots of MT-3. The inserts are the charge difference density images of MT-3 with –OH, –O, and –F and that with Ti-vacancy defect.i, jSimulation...
Nanorods are promising components of energy and information storage devices that rely on solute-driven phase transformations, due to their large surface-to-volume ratio and ability to accommodate strain. Here we investigate the hydrogen-induced phase transition in individual penta-twinned palladium nanorod...
Zircon grains in Xihuashan, yielded εHf(t) value from −14.9 to −11.4, δ18O value from 8.6‰ to 10.4‰, and highly variable and negative δ7Li value (−45.8‰ to −3.8‰), whereas those in Shuikoushan have relatively higher εHf(t) value (−10.6 to −8.1), lower δ...
'In situ measurement' refers to the process of measuring parameters directly in the natural environment without disturbing or removing the sample. This type of measurement requires specific equipment, calibrations, and considerations for potential interferences. ...
This mechanism allows direct O–O radical coupling for O2 evolution. Ru/MnO2 shows high activity (161 mV at 10 mA cm−2) and outstanding stability with small degradation after 200 h operation, making it one of the best-performing acid-stable oxygen evolution reaction catalysts. ...
Surface molecular information acquired in situ from a catalytic process can greatly promote the rational design of highly efficient catalysts by revealing structure-activity relationships and reaction mechanisms. Raman spectroscopy can provide this rich