Pueden cortarse en fábrica o in situ. They can be cut into patterns in the factory or the field. Literature Comprobación e inspección in situ de las sucursales establecidas en otro Estado miembro On‐the‐spot checking and inspection of branches established in another Member State Eur...
电化学暂态测试方法(包括交流阻抗法)、in situ 方法、总 结及案例 1. 交流阻抗法 1.1 交流阻抗法概述 1.2 电化学极化下的交流阻抗 1.3 浓差极化下的交流阻抗 1.4 复杂体系的交流阻抗 2. 电化学暂态测试方法 2.1 电化学暂态测试方法概述 2.2 电化学极化下的恒电流暂态方法 2.3 浓差极化下的恒电流暂态方法 2.4...
com or FedEx Ship Manager hardware or software.•DO NOT fill in a declared value, In-Situ is self-insured •Do not mark signature required, we sign for all shipments •Customer Reference is open for suppliers to use as needed •P.O. Number, put in In-Situ’s PO number(s)
Fabrication of Al_2O_3-TiC/Al Composites by In-situ Reaction; 原位反应法制备Al_2O_3-TiC/Al复合材料 3. In-situ reaction and phase composition design of monolithic refractories; 不定形耐火材料中的原位反应与相组成设计 6) in situ polymerization ...
哈希、哈纳、百灵达、YSI、WTW、NADLER、 RG、德国bbe、E+H、中国台湾LIC、德国NIVUS、日本HONDA、德国HEYL、德国Kuntze、美国HF Scientific、法国Tethys、美国SDI、美国 Qcontums、意大利 3S、英国Trace2o、英国Modern Water、中国台湾LIC 气体检测仪品牌主要有: 美国ATI 华瑞 美国2B BW 英思科 德尔格 霍尼韦尔 梅思安...
Thermo-mechanical Properties of In-situ Formed Al2O3-SiC-SiAlON Composites In order to optimize their Al2O3-SiO2 raw materials, anorthite based insulation refractories were prepared by the in-situ sintering process combined with t... J Gao,Z Zhang,B Touzo - 中国耐火材料(英文版) 被引量: ...
第八章原位(insitu)电化学研究方法 •原位(insitu)、现场、在线(Online)测试•电化学原位(insitu)测试给定电位(或电流)下,同时采用其它现代测试技术的测试 电化学光谱技术 •必须使用薄液膜三电极电解槽 H吸He H2OO吸2H2e •Pt单晶面上氢的吸附 电化学研究...
in situBoth, MartinBoth, MartinVogel, MartinVogel, MartinFriedrich, OliverFriedrich, Olivervon Wegner, FrederichKünsting, ThomasKu, ThomasFink, Rainer H A
tmClass “A polícia deve ter batido fotos do corpoin situ.” “The police must have taken pictures of the bodyin situ.” Literature Componente do projecto «inspecçõesin situ»: Project ComponentOn-SiteInspection: EurLex-2