You’ve put in the effort on your art—let InsituArtRoom take care of the rest! Our app is free to download and includes 6 rooms with full access to all customization features. Upgrade to InsituArtRoom Premium for unlimited access to all interiors and the ability to add your own spaces...
An inverse method for in-situ estimation of acoustic surface impedance targeting inverse sound rendering in rooms2575.5PabloTheUniversityNaveTheUniversityGabrielTheUniversityYasudaTheUniversityYosukeTheUniversitySatoTheUniversityYoichiTheUniversitySakamotoTheUniversity...
Nava GP, Sato Y, Yasuda Y, Sakamoto S (2006) An inverse method for in–situ estimation of acoustic surface impedance targeting inverse sound rendering in rooms. In: Proceedings of the Inter–Noise 2006, Honolulu (CD)PABLO-NAVA, G., YASUDA, Y., SATO, Y., AND SAKAMOTO, S. An inverse...