Insight into the variables used to manage the goodwill impairment test under IAS 36Goodwill write-offIAS 36Impairment testEarnings managementMany studies have dealt with the analysis of the impairment test of goodwill under the IAS 36 as an opportunistic choice, but there have been very few ...
NCSStorageAuditorias NCSStorageLogs NGXOperationLogs NGXSecurityLogs NSPAccessLogs NTAInsights NTAIpDetalhes NTANetAnalytics NTATopologyDetalhes NWConnectionMonitorDNSResult NWConnectionMonitorDestinationListenerResult NWConnectionMonitorPathResult NWConnectionMonitorTestResult NetworkAccessTraffic Sessões de rede OEP...
The precise mode of action ofH. citriformisis unknown but might be similar than that reported by Boucias et al. onHirsutellagenera [29]. The infection process begins after susceptible insects contact conidia, which adhere to their cuticle external surface and penetrate the hemocele, where they...