Insidious: L'ultima chiave: Regia di Adam Robitel. Con Lin Shaye, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson, Kirk Acevedo. La parapsicologa Elise Rainier deve affrontare il suo caso più personale e terrificante quando ritorna nella casa in cui é cresciuta.
performance is a complete transformation from the first installment. The mother, Renai Lambert (Rose Bryne), shines in her portrayal of a woman who is slowly losing her sanity. The duo is supported by the stalwart acting of Barbara Hershey as the grandmother, and Lin Shaye as Elise Rainier....
Chapter 3focuses on the experiences of psychic Elise Rainier in an earlier case before the previous two movies. This film stands on its own, so newcomers can see what the series is all about with just this one entry.Insidous: Chapter 3offers more of the same kinds of scares and spookiness...
Death Sentence) and written by Leigh Whannell, the duo behind the originalSaw, the film is the perfect progression into the outlandish places horror movies will begin going in the years to come. It’s partParanormal Activity, partRing, and has the ridiculous rules of theSawseries. Oh, and ...
INSIDIOUS is not a perfect film. When the explanation of the spooky events comes from psychic ghost hunter Elise Rainer (played by THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY's Lin Shaye), it is a bit clunky. The astral projection stuff is a fine hook to hang a horror story on, but Elise's knowledge...
Insidious: L'ultima chiave: Regia di Adam Robitel. Con Lin Shaye, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson, Kirk Acevedo. La parapsicologa Elise Rainier deve affrontare il suo caso più personale e terrificante quando ritorna nella casa in cui é cresciuta.
Insidious: L'ultima chiave: Regia di Adam Robitel. Con Lin Shaye, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson, Kirk Acevedo. La parapsicologa Elise Rainier deve affrontare il suo caso più personale e terrificante quando ritorna nella casa in cui é cresciuta.