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https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_urban_inside_the_mind_of_a_master_procrastinatorTim Urban knows that procrastination doesn't make sense, but he's never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the , 视频播放量 72、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 0、收
Now, I had a hypothesis that the brains of procrastinators were actually different than the brains of other people. And to test this, I found an MRI lab that actually let me scan both my brain and the brain of a proven non-procrastinator, so...
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator - 腾讯视频https://v.qq.com/x/page/y0327x15bqe.html 演讲者:Tim Urban 时长:14:07 被拖延症耽搁的人生,真的要不起! 我们需要警惕一只及时行乐的猴子。 We need to stay aware of the Instant Gratification Monkey. 下面我们具体来看下拖延症的“前世今生”!
题目: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator So in college, I was a government major, which means I had to write a lot of papers. Now, when a normal student writes a paper, they might spread the work out a little like this. So,you know --you get started maybe a little slowly...
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator 拖延症人群的内心世界 So in college,I was a government major,which means l had to write a lot of papers.NOW,在大学的时候,我主修政治学,这表示我必须要写很多论文。一般when a normal student writes a paper,they might spread the work out a little ...
“Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator”是一场由Tim Urban发表的TED演讲,演讲深入探讨了拖延症患者的内心世界。以下是对该演讲稿的总结: 背景介绍: Tim Urban在大学时主修政务专业,需要写很多论文。他描述了普通学生写论文时的状态,即起初可能进展缓慢,但一周后会取得一定进展,随后逐渐增加工作量,最终完成...
TED 英文演讲: 《Inside the mind of a master procrastinator》 拖延症人群的内心世界 扫二维码观看演讲视频 #来自原力伊美的早安##咋整呢医生##原力伊美私人医生集团##早安#
Inside the mind of a master procrastin...的中文翻译 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator 在一个主拖拉的人心中
【主题】 TED演讲听讲笔记 TIM URBAN「INSIDE THE MIND OF MASTER PROCRASTINATOR」 【绘制目的】刻意练习听讲记录能力,迎接挑战 【亮点】对应演讲者幽默的语言,用插图呈现“严重拖延症”者的内心系统 【解说】 1. 中心图:理性小人+娱乐猴子+恐慌怪兽 图片发自简书App ...