In the aftermathof the 1969 Tet Offensive, U.S. Marine Pat Peterson found a Vietnamese coin on the ground while serving a tour of duty in the Vietnam War. The date on the coin was 1966—the same year he graduated from Holy Name High School in Omaha. That persuaded Peterson to adopt...
Inflation and interest rates were also top of mind. If, after listening to the podcast, you know what we are referring to, let us know. The first person who gets back to us with the correct answer will win a cowbell. View Episode Notes » Season 1 Episode 198 / January 10, ...
For those of us who are not in the big rooms upstairs, we have an opportunity to perform in the basement, just below the main lobby. We too are dressed to the nines and the folks who venture down from upstairs are dressed as if they just came from a Hollywood premier. Maybe some had...
Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, calls the conglomerate his “canvas,” and shortly, when its annual report comes out, the world will learn precisely what kind of picture this legendary investor painted in the tumultuous year of 1987. A preview: As a work of art, the year ...
The career of “Farrier” first entered our thoughts. Yet oh so few are idyllic. Oh so few leave us whistling, Serene, happy — not just with our hoof-bound Accomplishments, but also feeding our hearts and souls. I had such a day recently, in the calm shade of afternoon, ...
These Inside the Factory events are just one part of how we gather feedback throughout the year, but it is probably the one our teams look forward to the most. Over the course of this year, we held a series of events in three of our locations: Boston, Bucharest, and in Shanghai....
“I’ve thought of myself as giving voice to people who normally don’t have a voice,” said Doll, a fine arts professor atCreighton University, where he holds the Charles and Mary Heider endowed Jesuit Chair. “My work has generally been about other cultures — about how other people li...
“indefinite hiatus”. In late 2008, two dramatic events pulled the band back together: Blink 182’s long-term producer, Jerry Finn, died of a cerebral haemorrhage, and not long afterwards, drummer Travis Barker was one of only two survivors of a plane crash, which left him in critical ...
Getty Images/iStockphoto According toMotor Biscuit, this is because the perks of simplicity are pretty attractive. These vehicles are smaller and on the less expensive side. You can also park them in any parking space that a regular vehicle usually parks. They travel lightly, a...
HHC Infused Gummies: A Sweet Revolution in the World of Edibles In the ever-expanding world of cannabis edibles, a new player has emerged, quickly gaining popularity among consumers: HHC gummies. These tasty treats are making Read More CBD The Power Of Transparency: Why It Matters in Hemp...