Inside Out is a 2015 American 3D computer-animated adventure comedy-drama Disney/Pixar film which was released on June 19, 2015 as Pixar's 15th feature-length animated film. In keeping with Pixar tradition, a short film called Lava accompanied the movie. A sequel released on June 14, 2024 ...
Inside Out《头脑特工队》is one of my favorite Disney/Pixar movies.The story is about a young girl named Riley who moves from Minnesota to San Francisco with her family and how she deals with her emotions(情感) through the move.These five emotions in Riley's brain are Joy,Fear,Anger,Disgu...
Inside Out》在剧作上最高明的地方,是在其前面美好的传统结构的故事下,所包裹的精神内核。《InsideOut》所讲的,其实是一个关于成长的故事,是一个学着接受「悲伤是生活的一部分」这个事实的故事,这大概是包括我在内的众多成年人在电影院里流下眼泪的原因。 在看《Inside Out》之前我从在国外先去看的朋友们口...
See all external reviews for Inside Out 2 More from this title Awards FAQ User reviews User ratings External reviews updated 4 days ago•38 titles Every Pixar Movie Ranked by IMDb Rating updated 3 weeks ago•28 titles 10 Family Movies You Can Stream at Home ...
Inside out takes it to the highest level of perfection. I loved the way Pixar made this world inside the main character of Riley, it is very creatively done and was in some ways just how I had imagined it. I must admit that I cried a couple of times during the movie, because it ...
by Bill Desowitz Indiewire Annie Awards 2025: ‘The Wild Robot’ Leads with 10 Nominations 12/21/2024 by Harrison Richlin Indiewire Pixar Animation Studios “Have you tried crying about it, commie b**ch?”: Bob Iger Really Needs To Step in, Upcoming Pixar Show Removing Trans Storyline Fuel...
Spermageddon Clip Teases 'Inside Out for Adults'; Directors Ask 'How the Hell Did We Get This Made?!' Comedy This Norwegian animated comedy Spermageddon has been compared to the Pixar movie Inside Out. You be the judge. ByArchie Fenn ...
And the movie doesn’t resort to silly comedy to get there. Some other films of this sort don't trust themselves, so they throw out goofy sequences to leaven the more mature sentiments. Some of that happens in Inside Out - we’re not in Pixar’s version of Bergman – but the light...
With smart writing and a talented cast, Inside Out 2 captivates audiences, delivering a successful and heartfelt sequel. PurchasePhysical Media Nine years ago Disney/Pixar took audiences inside the mind of 11-year-old Riley (voiced in the first film by Kaitlyn Dias Welcome to Blood Gulch and...
Inside Out 2is a remarkable addition to Pixar’s illustrious filmography, offering a heartfelt and intellectually stimulating exploration of adolescence. With its compelling characters, stunning animation, and profound life lessons, the film is poised to become a beloved classic for audiences of all ...