Inside Out》在剧作上最高明的地方,是在其前面美好的传统结构的故事下,所包裹的精神内核。《InsideOut》所讲的,其实是一个关于成长的故事,是一个学着接受「悲伤是生活的一部分」这个事实的故事,这大概是包括我在内的众多成年人在电影院里流下眼泪的原因。 在看《Inside Out》之前我从在国外先去看的朋友们口...
Inside Out 2in every possible way fails the qualities the original had—timelessness and heart—and also lacks any bite or strong theme and rather feels extremely loosely made to have a sequel to the greatest animated film of the 2010s. What makes this sequel so hollow is that there is no...
near future, but to confuse matters further the characters and their behavior remain unaging constants. Tregenza's background in existential philosophy serves him well: every shot comprises an event, and most of them were shot only once, in a single take (as in TALKING TO STRANGERS), allowing...
Tempting as it is to consider any revisiting of “Inside Out” as sacrilegious, its sequel is deftly sensitive to one of the most complicated and awkward chapters of life, AP Film Writer Jake Coyle writes in his review.
而且就今年这部《inside out》的品质,我个人觉得肯定不会在各大电影节上空手而归的。天马行空的创意和诚意满满的细节作为一个曾经考某大学心理学研究生未遂的loser,我真的很佩服主创人员选择这么一个冷门题材的勇气。虽然心理学确实相对偏人文好理解,而且随便一个从业几年的咨询师都能说出几个惊世骇俗的故事。但...
goes through at some point in their lives. As one of the two big movie theater hits this summer,Inside Out 2made audiences feel good and brought families back to the movies so it only makes sense that families now bring this fantastic film into their homes with thisWalmart-exclusive ...
the film: Inside Out 2 Kind: ComedyCharacter: Riley Duration(时长): 96 minutes Rating(评分): 3.5Story: It is about the emotions(情绪) inside Riley's head. When she grows up, Joy, Sad, Anger, Fear(害怕) and Disgust(厌恶) help her with the new changes in her life. I like the ...
Inside Out 2: Directed by Kelsey Mann. With Amy Poehler, Maya Hawke, Kensington Tallman, Liza Lapira. A sequel that features Riley entering puberty and experiencing brand new, more complex emotions as a result. As Riley tries to adapt to her teenage year
Inside out is as much heart-warming as it is heart-breaking. I have seen this film countless times, I could tell you the entire story off the top of my head, and yet I still cry every time I watch it at a certain scene at the end of the movie. It doesn't matter how many time...
Inside Out: Directed by Pete Docter, Ronnie Del Carmen. With Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Richard Kind, Bill Hader. After young Riley is uprooted from her Midwest life and moved to San Francisco, her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness - conf