“Inside Out 2” , directed by Kelsey Mann, stars Ayo Edebiri, Adèle Exarchopoulos and Paul Walter Hauser, releasing June 14, 2024 in theaters:‘…the film returns to the mind of newly minted teenager ‘Riley’ just as headquarters is undergoing a sudden demolition to make room for somethin...
InInside Out 2, we have new additions like embarrassment, anxiety, ennui, and envy. And, in some ways, they add fresh air that brightens up this film. Anxiety is the moment of fear for what’s next, or, in other words, the new version of fear that takes itself a step further, now...
When it's Riley's first day of school, Joy and Sadness are ejected out of the Headquarters through a series of mishaps. Now it's up to Anger, Disgust, and Fear to make Riley happy until they return, but things quickly go downhill. ...
(Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust) do not always stay true to form, with Joy especially exhibiting nuances far beyond what her name implies - case in point, her touching admission preceding the last act (that entire sequence was too much for my eyes to take, by the way). All ...
《The Art of Inside Out》是2015年6月25日Chronicle Books出版的图书,作者是Pete Docter,Amy Poehler。内容简介 From an adventurous balloon ride above the clouds to a monster-filled metropolis, Academy Award?-winning director Pete Docter ("Monsters, Inc.," "Up") has taken audiences to unique ...
David Steward leaned against the family cow as he milked her, his hands automatically squeezing left, right, left, right. This was his final chore of the day; he’d already cleaned out the barn and fed the pigs and cow. The twelve-year-old tried not to think about morning chores awaiti...
In the mind of Riley — an ordinary kid going through a big life change after her family moves to another state — five emotions (Joy, Disgust, Anger, Fear, and Sadness) control her reactions to the world around her. But when Joy and Sadness get knocked out of the control tower and ...
“I know there is something. but I fear it may not work out. It’s all timing,” Giamatti said, sounding just like Miles. Film Streams is screening a repertory series of Giamatti’s feature work at the Dundee Theater. On August 26 and 28Sidewaysshows at the north downtown Ruth Sokolof...
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.",failure,fear of failure,filmmaking,how to recover from failure,hunter lee hughes,i failed,indie filmmaking,inside-out,samuel beckett,stan wawrinka,try again As I watch the U.S. Open, I’m reminded of Samuel Becket...
FromPixar Animation Studios, directorJames Ford Murphyand producerAndrea Warren, “Lava” opens in theaters on June 19, 2015, in front of “Inside Out.” And without further adieu here is the sneak peek to the movie poster and the new movieLava. ...