BING BONG因为彩虹车被推进记忆废墟而伤心,JOY尝试了各种逗乐的方式,并没能使BING BONG的情绪得到恢复,当SADNESS坐在BING BONG旁陪伴他倾诉的时候,JOY一开始的反应是“Sadness, don't make him feel worse." 是的,BING BONG被SADNESS一番话弄得动容哭泣,但是哭泣之后,他立马振作起来,继续寻找返程的列车。JOY感到了...
《头脑特工队》(Inside Out)是一部由皮克斯动画工作室制作、迪士尼发行的动画电影,于2015年上映。影片...
40. Mom and dad got us in this mess. They can pay to get us out.41. Bingbong: Don’t ...
Joy, Sadness, and Bing Bong are nearly at Headquarters when the other bunch of emotions put their plan into action, instructing Riley to steal from her mother's bag and pack it to run away to Minnesota. This action causes Riley's "Honesty Island" to crumble, derailing the Train of ...
Become a member to see contact information for Inside Out. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Cast Filmmakers Images Videos Details Box Office Companies News Cast + Add Cast 60 cast members Name Known for Amy Poehler Joy (voice) Baby Mama (2008) Phyllis Smith Sadness (voice...
It's great overall. I love the dynamic of Joy and Sadness the throw Bing - Bong. It's also just really relatable overall. Report 8 Hipuppy7000 Jan 2, 2025 Inside Out 1 is certainly a great movie but there are some things that I don't enjoy about it like how short the movie feels...
2.允许sadness出现,很多时候因为sadness我们才不会再次失控,我们也会因为她获得爱感受爱,她是脆弱的但她是我们与爱最直接感受的方式。3. 再见bing bong,你好bing bong。bing bong的离开是痛苦的但也许是必然的,我们的大脑容量有限,需要舍弃那些童年最好的伙伴、最丰富的幻想,让大脑能有空间去处理更多事件。我们的...
Disgust, make sure Riley stands out today. But also blends in. Disgust,请确保Riley今天很显眼,但是也要合群。 We should lock the door and scream that curse word we know. It’s a good one! 我们应该把房间的门锁上,大声吼出我们知道的那句脏话。那句脏话很适合现在说! Sadness: Wait Joy! You’...