AN EPILOGUE TO RAGNARÖK Kratos’ journey continues as he enters Valhalla, a new location in the God of War Norse saga. Faced with echoes of his past, he fights to overcome the trials within himself and walk the path laid out before him. BELOVED COMBAT REIMAGINED The beloved combat from ...
If you missed it the first time, now is your chance to experience one of the most innovative RTS’s in the genre still. Even though the original game came out more than two decades ago, many of its features are yet to be seen in other games. With unique units and many original ideas...
light shimmering off the Bay, San Francisco's skyline nearly close enough to reach out and touch (the site of the team's abandoned Howard Terminal project is just a slight lean to the north). In a conference room situated to maximize the view, representatives...
A recent Friday afternoon found Anthony in the vacation home he purchased last fall in Casa de Campo — a resort in the Dominican Republic — looking out at a lush backyard surrounded by hammocks and slow-turning fans. And, yes, he was wearing clothes from Kohl’s: ...
“Why is everyone freaking out … what is the big deal?” The falloutfrom Loeb’s campaign caused widespread unhappiness at Sony Pictures. At Investor Day, with flat profits projected for the movie business, Lynton promised “a significant shift in emphasis” to the studio’s real moneymak...
cool enough to let me take whatever path I want if I wanted to not pursue basketball. But I think basketball is going to be my thing, for sure.” (Bryce says he thinks it’s his thing as well, though with less conviction. “I just tried it, and it turned out I really liked it...
Hekili committed Apr 10, 2024 1 parent c570c49 commit 9582161 Showing 2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified Dragonflight APLs DemonHunterHavoc.simc DemonHunterHavoc.lua 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 Dragonflight/APLs/DemonHunter...
2024-06-17 PhoebeBlanket 为了看2临时恶补,看了15分钟就能理解我哥为什么用这些珠子做应援棒了,有种回忆留存的感觉。总体而言真是非常非常心理学啊(笑),可能不够科学但非常直观又有趣地展现大脑中的运行法则与现实中人类情绪行为的关系。一贯温情的皮克斯,明明又只是在讲亲情友情十二岁小女孩成长,故事也讲的平...