《头脑特工队2》(Inside Out 2)的人物英文名字主要包括以下几个:Joy(乐乐)、Sadness(忧忧)、Anger(怒怒)、D
#头脑特工队2# ( Inside Out 2)(A-) 像第一集一样深刻,而且富有想象力,是一个对大脑空间继续延展、探索的成功续集。如果说缺点的话,应该是因为角色太多,偶尔会觉得有点叽叽喳喳。但因为其讲述内容非常有共...
第一部的Joy, Anger, Disgust, Sadness, Fear这几个基本的情感具象依然在,还引入了新的Anxiety, Envy, Ennui, Embarrassment这几个青春期代表的感情具象。不过,看完后感觉有些地方有点拖沓,后面甚至有点想睡觉。总的来说,这部电影还是值得一看的,尤其是喜欢Inside out系列的朋友们。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近...
今天带柚子去看了电影Inside Out 2《头脑特工队2》 实在是一部很棒很治愈的电影,为孩子们(甚至是成年们)讲述人复杂的内心世界、如何处理焦虑、抑郁、悲伤等情绪,自我圆满的故事。 这部电影把主人公Riley所有...
“Inside Out 2” , directed by Kelsey Mann, stars Ayo Edebiri, Adèle Exarchopoulos and Paul Walter Hauser, releasing June 14, 2024 in theaters:‘…the film returns to the mind of newly minted teenager ‘Riley’ just as headquarters is undergoing a sudden demolition to make room for somethin...
I have an AU for Inside Out 2 where the secondary emotions don't exist, and instead are replaced with more new primary emotions: Surprise, Trust, Love, and Interest. As Riley grows older, the OG primary emotions (Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear, and Anger) discover that they're maturing as...
Disney and Pixar’s “Inside Out 2” returns to the mind of newly minted teenager Riley just as headquarters is undergoing a sudden demolition to make room for something entirely unexpected: new Emotions! Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, who’ve lo
领导No.5 sadnesssadness的戏份是比fear多,但是sadness的表现很讨厌,fear的分低,但sadness是负分啊……众情绪甚至joy都在心里讨厌sadness,而且sadness出场就很弱势,背景音乐都变得笨重了可以这么说,没有sadness就没有离家出走,joy就能实现她的“完美一生计划”但是没有sadness就没有冰棒的回转,没有sadness就没有最后的...
Inside Out 2may have even surpassed the original concept by introducing even more complex feelings everyone goes through at some point in their lives. As one of the two big movie theater hits this summer,Inside Out 2made audiences feel good and brought families back to the movies so it only...
Tempting as it is to consider any revisiting of “Inside Out” as sacrilegious, its sequel is deftly sensitive to one of the most complicated and awkward chapters of life, AP Film Writer Jake Coyle writes in his review.