Personally, I've always oscillated on what I think the role of work should be in my life, and it looks something like this: Yes, this is my actual handwriting. Yes, it is bad.No, the y-axis doesn't make a lot of sense, it should probably be labeled "white savior complex" or "...
The heart of a processor is the datapath, the components that hold and process data. In the 386, these components are in the lower left: the ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit), a barrel shifter to shift data, and the registers. These components form regular rectangular blocks, 32 bits wide. In...
In parallel to the imaging effort, transcriptome analysis of a gene panel relevant to epithelial cell injury was performed (Fig. 3c and Supplementary Table T1). Figure 3 3D HKC-8 spheroids response to nephrotoxic compounds. (a) Schematic diagram of the HKC-8 spheroid response to nephrotoxins,...
I've labeled the main functional blocks. The datapath in the lower left does the actual computations, controlled by the microcode ROM in the lower right. Despite the complexity of the 386, if you zoom in enough, you can see individual XOR gates. The red rectangle at the top (below) is...
Many of the former witnesses said they saw a rather large hole in the rear of Kennedy's skull. Yet the famous back of the head photographs, which are in Horne's book and labeled Figures 64 and 65, depict no such wound. In fact, the head seems intact and untouched. Therefore the HS...
“From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.” —Ahab, Moby Dick You can spot the Compton Courthouse from miles away. It’s a 12-story, dirty white coffin that looms above the low-slung flats, fast food strip malls, one-room churches, an...
Absolutely fabulous job of walking someonel through the entire disassembly process. A few heart-thumping moments when I almost stripped a few screws. One suggestion: what I needed most was the actual model number of my motherboard to order a replacement. I could’ve saved 90 minutes work by...
Sanbongi-san drew this little diagram, to show how the microlenses are offset near the edges of the array, so light hitting them at an angle will still be directed onto the surface of the photodiode, labeled PD. (Apologies for the blurring at the top; I actually shot th...
Closeup of the Y driver board showing six ULD modules and six transistor pairs. Each ULD module is labeled with an IBM part number, the module type (e.g. "EI"), and an unknown code. The board also has error-detector (ED) modules that detect if more than one Y select line is driv...