inside n (interior)里面;内部The inside of the house is beautiful.房子的内部非常漂亮。 inside prep (within)在…内部;在…之内The child was drawing inside the square.这孩子在方格内画画。 inside n (inner edge)内侧;内圈;里道You need to keep your feet on the inside of the line.你的脚必需站...
An Etch-a-Sketch® is actually a pretty amazing device! It is essentially a manually operated plotter with a built-in erasing system. Anyone who has used an Etch-a-Sketch before will recognize the familiar red plastic toy with the glass drawing window (now also available in other fashion ...
Upon my word were I at Mackinaw, I should take this to be the inside of an Indian wigwam. View in context So the procession moved through the streets, the bearers of the Sorcerer first, the Prince next, then Jim drawing the buggy with the strangers inside of it, and last the crowd ...
that has the shorter arc length; the side of a racetrack nearer the interior of the course or some other point of reference. The car in front drifted wide on the bend, so I darted up the inside to take the lead. Inside (colloquial) in the plural The interior organs of the body, ...
“inside”则更侧重于描述物体或人位于封闭空间的内部,如“The keys are inside the car.”。这里,“inside”强调了车作为一个封闭空间的特点。 运动方向 “in”表示向内部运动,如“go in the house”(进入房屋)。 “inside”则更侧重于表示已处于内部状态,如“I went quickly inside the drawing room.”(我...
This graph doesn’t think in terms of layers with styles, groups and Artboards but in more basic terms such as paths you need to fill or stroke — which is a good level at which to analyze redundant drawing operations and speed things up. After all, the key to faster rendering is to ...
If the player successfully stole the actor's clothes, a security guard claims "they need you on set", and the director of the film will comment on the physical appearance of the new stunt-man (Franklin), until he realizes that he is only here to steal the car. At which point, ...
Used of a pitch. Within On the inside; Inside, the car is a mess Inside Into or in the interior; within. Inside On the inner side. Inside (Slang) In prison. Inside Within We'll be there inside an hour. Inside On the inner side or part of Inside the package. Inside Into the ...
The drive frame 3 then moves up by an energization force of a spring 14 to retract the drive wheels 11, while auxiliary wheels 15 are applied to the wall of the tube 17. By drawing the car body 1, therefore, the auxiliary wheels 15 are rolled, and the car body 1 can be recovered ...
Don’t overstay at a party, especially if it’s at someone’s home. Exiting like a ‘dog-in-the-fog’ (a subtle exit without drawing too much attention to it) is totally acceptable once you have thanked your host. There is absolutely nothing worse than a party barnacle!