Don’t overstay at a party, especially if it’s at someone’s home. Exiting like a ‘dog-in-the-fog’ (a subtle exit without drawing too much attention to it) is totally acceptable once you have thanked your host. There is absolutely nothing worse than a party barnacle! Sofiane Si Me...
The waves out in the middle of the canal were definitely building, but the wind was holding around 20 knots. Eventually we decided to reef our sails all the way down and continue on. We had to sail across the canal to a set of islands, then head along the western shore to Haines. W...
A type of barnacle parasite known as a rhizocephalan, which eats its crab host from the inside out, is known to feminise its male hosts bycastrating them. Scientists have suggested they are then more likely to look after the parasite sac that bursts through their abdomens, much like a fem...
Always bring a gift for the host of the party. I try to consider where they are from and try to bring something from my own country, something unique that I hope they do not already have or cannot easily get – nothing overextravagant, just something thoughtful. When returning from London...
Can America's Fastest Supercomputer Defeat Covid? What Really Happened at 777 Pine Street? The Entire History of the Autopsy Pop Mech Pro Y2K: An Oral History Pop Mech Pro Exactly What Happens When You Get Cremated Pop Mech Pro Science Will One Day Cure Blindness...
until one day, she didn’t. now the bottom of the north atlantic is littered with more evidence of human hubris, tiny pieces of a plastic video-game controller nestling among the barnacle-encrusted gold fixtures of the titanic . both vessels were at the cutting edge of technology, both ...
I asked the manager if I could have one of their posters (I think it was Karate Kid) And he told me, "No, we just put them in the attic, until they collect barnacles". I didn't know what a barnacle was at the time, but clearly, he was being sarcastic. The theatre has been ...
I asked the manager if I could have one of their posters (I think it was Karate Kid) And he told me, "No, we just put them in the attic, until they collect barnacles". I didn't know what a barnacle was at the time, but clearly, he was being sarcastic. The theatre has been ...
Don’t overstay at a party, especially if it’s at someone’s home. Exiting like a ‘dog-in-the-fog’ (a subtle exit without drawing too much attention to it) is totally acceptable once you have thanked your host. There is absolutely nothing worse than a party barnacle!