Inspired by the isolated beauty of tropical islands and the explosive allure of ocean volcanoes, “Lava” is a musical love story that takes place over millions of years. FromPixar Animation Studios, directorJames Ford Murphyand producerAndrea Warren, “Lava” opens in theaters on June 19, 2015...
JOY Uh, just uh, gimme one second... You know what I’ve realized? Riley hasn’t had lunch! (takes a memory off the wall and plays it) Remember? MEMORY: A PIZZA SHOP. INT. SAN FRANCISCO LIVING ROOM RILEY Hey I saw a pizza place down the street. Maybe we could try that...
Amenities at the hangars include a gourmet kitchen, an exercise center, a space holding some pretty impressive Nike artifacts, and plenty of room for corporate meetings. 1. by Brendan Dunne You know about Nike's sprawling world headquarters in Beaverton, Ore., but do you know about its priva...
As readers of this award winning magic news site know, we have never actually won an award and we never let the truth get in the way of a good headline or story. Readers will also know that we love the Amazing Johnathan and one of our greatest disappointments – other than our failure ...
Airdate: March 15thWhy It’s Worth the Listen: In all its various broadcast homes, “The Chris Gethard Show” has been one of the most thrilling weekly experiments on TV. So it makes sense that a Gethard-hosted podcast would have the same comedic blend of empathy and honesty. The ...
All this activity felt important for the growth and community-building of our church that had been dying before we arrived. As a result, I was always on the go between the responsibilities there and at home. Sometimes I resented it (which can be one of the symptoms of strivingtoohard). ...
She even said so in the presence of a friend, who promptly schooled her on the myriad life situations that force folks to live on society’s margins. “I was one of those people who said, ‘Why don’t they just get a job?’ I was an idiot.” Her education took many forms. She ...
I wonder whether Lin's life being this cinematic makes him more eager to confide in an unseen, mysterious force. "One hundred percent," he says brightly. "I thought my career in the NBA was over. And then New York happened." He hasn't stopped talking to God since. Now, as his cloc...
After a year in Georgia they started a wedding photography business, and soon Stephen - Alexis’ “boy” - was on the way, and Alexis finally had his wife barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen (she loved it!). While at Buckhead Church they met their future neighbors Michael and Amy ...
After careful thought, Ken wrote: “As Christ’s soldier do not let yourself become tied up in worldly affairs, for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army[3].” That night he shared his rewrite with the family. They approved. ...