Note that in our case the use_frameworks line was needed to resolve the specific error I mentioned above regarding the use of the Alamofire CocoaPod. If you are not using Alamofire or see a different error then the changes you need to make may be different...
Adeline Z, Inside The Cocoa Pod: An Analysis of The Harkin-Engel Protocol in Cote d'Ivoire (Georgetown University 2012)Zensius, A. (2012). Inside the Cocoa Pod: An Analysis of the Harkin-Engel Protocol in Cote d'Ivoire.Zensius, A. (2012). Inside the cocoa pod: An analysis of the ...
Build version 12A7300 • CocoaPods version 1.10.0 [!] Android Studio (version 4.1) • Android Studio at /Applications/Android ✗ Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality. ✗
当我运行“pod install”时 '出现这个错误,这已经困扰我两天了,有人可以帮助我吗?这是macOS下的flutter。 ''' 吊舱安装分析依赖关系 [!] CocoaPods 找不到 pod“path_provider_foundation”的兼容版本:在 Podfile 中: path_provider_foundation(来自 Flutter/ephemeral/.symlinks/plugins/path_provider_foundation/...
sudo gem install --user-install cocoapods5投票 问题出在 Mac OS X 的默认安装 Ruby 上。 Ruby/Gems 安装由您指定位置的 root 拥有。 这是正常行为除非您安装了 Ruby 管理器。我会推荐 rbenv 但RVM 也很受欢迎。 这些将您的 Ruby 安装安装在您的 $HOME 文件夹中。这样您的用户就拥有 Ruby 和 gem...
I had two interrelated dependencies. One as a CocoaPod and one as a Swift Package. Only one was available as a SPM (don't ask me why lol). I moved both to use as CocoaPods and the issue went away. Out of my wheelhouse to know exactly why. Sorry. 0 Copy haarj answer ...
完整的命令是:BITBluetoothEntity.podspec --sources=',' --verbose --use-libraries 有告警可以使用-allow-warnings忽略。
在Xcode中,选择“Create a new Xcode project”。选择“App”模板,点击“Next”,输入项目名称,然后选择设备方向(iPhone或iPad),点击“Next”保存。 第二步:导入Xlib库 在你的项目中,我们需要导入Xlib库。通常,Xlib是以C语言形式提供的,可以通过CocoaPods或手动导入进行引入。确保在你的Podfile中添加: ...
A mug Estimated time: About one hour 1. Wash all removable parts A Keurig has several removable parts where old coffee grounds and spills can hide. Wash all removable parts with dish soap in the sink, including the water reservoir, mug base, pod holder, and milk steamer, if your machine...
2019-11-29 19:06 −解决方案: 1、podfile文件中添加source源: source '' 2、执行 pod repo remove trunk 移除trunk源。 问题解决 详细... M·emor·Y 0 6757 【pycharm】Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart PyCharm解决 ...