I am very pleased with the care and assistance I have received from Beth and Phillip in navigating the need for home health care. They have provided everything I have needed from taking care of p... - Tessie Jones Beth has worked tirelessly to find the perfect caregivers for my aging ...
Specializing in skilled nursing, home health aides, professionally supervised personal care, homemaking and 24-hour live-in services.
A possible explanation for the results of the contact tests is given in an Appendix. The explanation is based on a number of assumptions about the penetration of insect cuticle by solid poisons. These assumptions lead to the conclusion that the effect of temperature on the relative toxicity ...
Welcome to Pinnacle Home Healthcare Services, Inc Pinnacle Home Health Care is a trusted leader in providing home healthcare services at home. Pinnacle...
Improving the Relationship of Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Home Care Aides and Clients Through Health Interviewing:doi:10.1177/0733464819863915Margaret DanilovichLaura DiazLara BoykenAmy EisensteinRebecca JohnsonSAGE PublicationsSage CA: Los Angeles, CA...
Medicaid home and community-based serviceshome care aideshealth communicationMedicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) care plans should be person-centered, yet there is little research on how to ascertain this information in practice. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ...