植入式心电事件监测器(ICM)是一种植入式长程心电监测工具,植入皮下后可以持续工作2-3年,记录保存分析患者心电图。它有2种记录方式:患者主动开启ICM记录或ICM自行分析记录,从而获得有临床价值的心电事件,帮助医生准备做出疾病诊断。 体积小巧的ICM ICM的临床价值 对不明原因晕厥的患者,怀疑是心源性晕厥,捕捉晕厥时发...
植入式心电事件监测器 Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM),植入式心电事件监测器是一种小型、无导线、可植入到胸部皮下的医疗器械, 其表面有一对电极。无菌包装内包含用于辅助植入监测仪的附件:切口工具和植入工具。,植入式心电事件监测器 Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM),
The LINQ II™ insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) with AccuRhythm™ AI algorithms is used for long-term heart monitoring.
Diagnostic yield of an insertable cardiac monitor in a large patient population. Heart Rhythm O2 4(2):97–102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hroo.2022.11.005. PMID: 36873314; PMCID: PMC9975005 Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Perez MV, Mahaffey KW, Hedlin H, Rumsfeld JS, ...
Long-term electrocardiographic and physiological monitoring over a period lasting up to several years in duration can be provided through a continuously-recording insertable cardiac monitor. The sensing circuitry and the physical layout of the electrodes are specifically optimized to capture electrical ...
Reveal LINQ™ insertable cardiac monitor MRI conditions for use: A patient with a Reveal LINQ™ ICM can be safely scanned in an MR system that meets the following conditions with no post-insertion waiting required. Failure to follow these conditions for use may ...
Among patients who have recently experienced anischemic strokethought to be caused by small-vessel occlusion or large-vesselatherosclerosis,atrial fibrillation(AF) is detected more often with an insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) than with standard of care, a new study shows. ...
The implantable loop recorder (ILR) or insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) is a subcutaneous, single-lead, electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring device used for diagnosis in patients with recurrent unexplained episodes of palpitations or syncope, for long-term monitoring in patients at risk for or with...
植入式心电事件监测器Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM) 国械注进20153121986 美敦力公司Medtronic Inc. 2020-04-02 2025-04-01 12有源植入器械 Ⅲ 查看 植入式心电事件监测器 Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM) 国械注进20153211986 Medtronic Inc. 2015-06-18 2020-06-17 21医用软件 Ⅲ 查看VIP...
ICM device The ICM device (Reveal LINQ, Medtronic) is a small cardiac monitor that is inserted into the subcutaneous tissue over the heart. This device detects and records automatically AF, irrespective of heart rate or symptoms32. ICM recordings were monitored constantly to detect possible ECG an...