INSERT INTO a( aax, aaz) ( SELECT aax, aaz FROM b WHERE x IN ( 1,2,3 ) ); 类似一个这种数据迁移的sql 如果用了where 条件请在条件上 完全遵从数据格式 如果偷懒 直接输入数字类型的 1,2,3 的话 就会报错runcated incorrect DOUBLE value ,然后排查的时候 单独执行 SELECT aax, aaz FROM b ...
数据迁移的时候报错了,提示:ERROR 1292 (22007) at line 1: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'XXXX' , 数据库中表字段为 CREATETABLEcontent( idvarchar(60)PRIMARYKEYCOMMENT'记录id', pidvarchar(60) COMMENT'记录id', prjcontentVARCHAR(50)NULLDEFAULT0,) COMMENT='项目内容列表'; 执行的sql语句为: INS...
| Error | 1292 | Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'a' | +---+---+---+ 1 row in set (0.13 sec) mysql> delete from test.t_test where 'a'=2; 1292 - Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: 'a' mysql> update test.t_test set xq =1 where 'a'=2; 1292 - Truncated incorrect INTEGER...
---+ | Warning | 1292 | Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '1e309abc' | | Warning | 1292 | Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '1e309abc' | +---+---+---+ 2 rows in set Time: 0.003s lcwangchaoadded sig/executionSIG execution and removed sig/sql-infraSIG: SQL Infra on Dec 30,...
这是我写的sql,单执行select部分内容是可以执行成功的,但是插入就报Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '5,800.00',这个5800的值是t_ods_tbiz_web_mklist表下mck_money字段(字符串类型)下的一个值。 我猜想应该是sum函数返回的类型转换了,导致我插入不了,但我用concat函数转换后还是无法插入,不知道为何?求大神...
"String or binary data would be truncated" and field specifications “Unable to enlist in the transaction” with Oracle linked server from MS SQL Server [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>] in non clustered index [Execute SQL Task] Error: The value type (__ComObject) can only be converted...
Delete the record where Field1 has the value 3. On the Create tab, click Query Design in the Queries group. In the Show Table dialog box, click Close. On the Design tab, click SQL view in the Results group. Type the following in the Query1 window: VB Copy INSERT INTO Table1 (F...
TEST 1 Installed 5.0.7 beta Copied db from 5.0.6 Truncated routes table, then ran BuildRoutes() RESULT: incorrect -- 38 rows, should be 42 (as can be proved easily by running the code manually) TEST 2 Rebuilt BuildRoutes() in 5.0.7. Truncates routes table, then ran Build Routes()...
This second overload is for resources who's value is given by a string instead of an integer.try this,CBitmap Bit1; HBITMAP hBitmap; hBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(NULL, "c:\SampleImg.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE); Bit1.FromHandle(hBitmap); mPictureCtrl.SetBit...
Fixes a bug where a Blocks OpMode's Date Modified value can change to December 31, 1969, if the Control Hub is rebooted while the Blocks OpMode is being edited. Fixes the automatic TeleOp preselection feature (was broken in 8.2) Fixes a bug where passing an integer number such as 123 to...