sql中同一个Trigger里同时包含Insert,Update,Delete SQLServer是靠Inserted表和Deleted表来处理的,判断一下就可以了,只不过比ORACLE麻烦一点createtrigger触发名on表名 insteadofinsert,update,deleteas--insert插入ifnotexists(select1fromdeleted)begin打印插入end--update更新ifexists(select1frominserted)andexists(select1...
Create Table TB_2(ID Int, Name_1 varchar(20),Status varchar(20) ,Type Varchar(20)) -- 为Tb_1创建Trigger, 当 TB_1 发生变化时,变化的信息(Insert ,Update,Delete)将保存于 TB_2 中,Update是两条记录,Update 之前和之后 都要保存盐类 Create trigger Trig_t2 On Tb_1 For Insert,Update,Delete...
--给表1加触发器 if object_id('trigger1') is not null begin drop trigger trigger1 end go create trigger trigger1 on tbl_qxt after insert as begin if exists(select 1 from tbl_user u inner join inserted i on u.CREATORID=i.CREATORID)begin print 1 update tbl_qxt set [COUNT...
CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trGroups ON groups AFTER INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE AS -- This trigger submits a cached rates delete job for modified groups. -- It also updates the groups' last modified columns for modified groups. -- It also updates the groups' state (if currently unspecified) based on ...
1CREATETRIGGERT_INSERT_CS2ONCS_list3FORINSERT4AS5DECLARE@i_numint,@i_upricemoney,@i_amountmoney;6IF( (SELECTCOUNT(*)FROMinserted)>1)7BEGIN8RAISERROR('一次只能插入一行数据',16,10);9ROLLBACK;10END11ELSE12BEGIN13SELECTTOP1@i_num=i_num,@i_uprice=i_uprice,@i_amount=i_amountFROMinserted...
CREATE TRIGGER tr_T_A ON T_A for INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE 如IF exists (select * from inserted) and not exists (select * from deleted) 则为 INSERT 如IF exists(select * from inserted ) and exists (select ...
FIRE_TRIGGERS Applies to: SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) and later. Specifies that any insert triggers defined on the destination table execute during the binary data stream upload operation. For more information, see BULK INSERT (Transact-SQL). CHECK_CONSTRAINTS Applies to: SQL Server 2008 (10.0....
FIRE_TRIGGERS 適用於:SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) 和更新版本。指定在二進位資料流上傳作業期間,執行目的地資料表上所定義的任何插入觸發程序。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 BULK INSERT (Transact-SQL)。CHECK_CONSTRAINTS 適用於:SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) 和更新版本。
命名空间: Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel 程序集: Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql(在 Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.dll 中) 语法 C# 复制 bool IsInsertTrigger { get; set; } 属性值 类型:System.Boolean .NET Framework 安全性 对直接调用方的完全信任。此成员不能由部分信任的代码使用。有关更多信息,...