Oracle prohibits any changes to the table or view that would produce rows that are not included in the subquery CHECK OPTION demo INSERT INTO ( <SQL_statement> WITH CHECK OPTION) VALUES (value_list); CREATE TABLE dept ( deptno NUMBER(2), dname VARCHAR2(15), loc VARCHAR2(15)); INSERT ...
sqlsys/welcome@localhost:1521:orclassysdba #sqlusername/password@hostname:1521:dbinstancenamesetlinesize2000setpagesize10spool "c:\myoutput.txt";setsqlformatinsertselect*fromsample_table; spool off exit 参考:
You can use theINSERTstatement to insert data into a table, partition, or view in two ways: conventionalINSERTand direct-pathINSERT. When you issue a conventionalINSERTstatement, Oracle Database reuses free space in the table into which you are inserting and maintains referential integrity constrain...
insert_statement ::= [variable_declaration] (INSERT | UPSERT) INTO table_name [[AS] table_alias] ["(" id ("," id)* ")"] VALUES "(" insert_clause ("," insert_clause)* ")" [SET TTL ttl_clause] [returning_clause] insert_clause ::= DEFAULT | expression returning_clause ::= RET...
Oracle数据库之PL/SQL触发器 Oracle数据库之PL/SQL触发器 1. 介绍 触发器(trigger)是数据库提供给程序员和数据分析员来保证数据完整性的一种方法,它是与表事件相关的特殊的存储过程,它的执行不是由程序调用,也不是手工启动,而是由事件来触发,比如当对一个表进行操作(insert,delete,update)时就会激活它执行。
Note: Use WITH CHECK OPTION to indicate that Oracle prohibits any changes to the table or view that would produce rows that are not included in the subquery CHECK OPTION demo INSERT INTO ( <SQL_statement> WITH CHECK OPTION) VALUES (value_list); ...
Use the MERGE statement to select rows from one table for update or insertion into another table. The decision whether to update or insert into the target table is based on a condition in the ON clause. It is a new feature of Oracle Ver. 9i. It is also known as UPSERT i.e. combinat...
Oracle INSERT statement examples Let’screate a new tablenameddiscountsfor inserting data: CREATETABLEdiscounts ( discount_idNUMBERGENERATEDBYDEFAULTASIDENTITY, discount_nameVARCHAR2(255)NOTNULL, amountNUMBER(3,1)NOTNULL, start_dateDATENOTNULL, expired_dateDATENOTNULL);Code language:SQL (Structured Que...
To do it, you use the Oracle INSERT INTO SELECT statement as follows: INSERT INTO target_table (col1, col2, col3) SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM source_table WHERE condition; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
oracle中分批提交insert 事务,以防止redo占用太多可以分批提交事务:以下是三种不同的pl/sql体: 1、编写一个简单的PL/SQL块来模拟逐行提交的情况,注意观察执行时间。 我们的目标是将t_ref表中的数据全部插入到t中。 sec@ora10g> set timing on sec@ora10g> DECLARE 2 BEGIN 3 FOR cur IN (SELECT * FROM t...