Iphone 12 physical dual sim Hi, ive received my iPhone 12 today with the understanding I can put 2 x nano sims into it, 1 in the top of the tray and 1 in the bottom. Upon trying my sim won't fit in the bottom of the tray and I can't seem to find anyone else experiencing thi...
and the R-SIM 8 into [...] gevey3.com gevey3.com Get Carrier Code"为复制原SIM卡代码模式,此模式用于7位数代码表中无该运营商的代码的情况下,找出该机型原机SIM卡, 将原SIM卡与R-SIM8卡贴插入iPhone后,迅速进入SIM卡应用程序点击"Get Carrier Code",便将该运营商代码复制记忆于卡贴内,复制完点击"接...
x以上机型长按电源键 选择紧急呼叫 拨号界面输入 *5005*7672*里面输入最新的iccid码# 然后按下拨号按钮拨打,提示设置成功 ♀拔出黑解卡并重新插入黑解卡 ♀连接WF或 iTunes直接激活手机 ♀进入主界面,拔出黑解卡,插入移动朕联通SM卡 如激活时遇到sim卡无效可能是代码输入错误 请检査重新输入代码 00替换成代码...