> > if 1=1 (insert into acct_table(AcctSessionId) VALUES ('test') ELSE 'false' END; Your parens are unbalanced, so it is unclear. IF in an expression to be inserted: INSERT INTO tbl (col) VALUES ( IF(condition, 'this', 'that') ); ...
INSERT INTO table_name1 (column1, column2, ...) SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name2 WHERE condition; 其中,table_name1 是目标表的名称,column1, column2, ... 是目标表中需要插入数据的列名。table_name2 是源表的名称,column1, column2, ... 是源表中需要插入数据的列名。conditio...
INTO 一个可选的关键字,可将它用在INSERT和目标表之间。 MATCH在插入节点或边缘表中时,可以在子查询中使用search_condition_with_match子句。 有关MATCH语句语法,请参阅GRAPH MATCH (Transact-SQL)。 graph_search_pattern作为图形谓词的一部分提供给MATCH子句的搜索模式。
1、插入数据 INSERT INTO 使用INSERT 语句向表中插入数据。 1.1 INSERT INTO VALUES 情况1:为表的所有字段按默认顺序插入数据 INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1,value2,…); VALUES是标准写法, 也可以写成VALUE。 字符和日期型数据应包含在单引号中。
INSERTINTOtable_name(column1,column2,...)VALUES(value1,value2,...)WHEREcondition; 其中,table_name是要插入数据的表名,column1, column2, ...是要插入数据的列名,value1, value2, ...是要插入的具体数值,condition是一个条件,只有当该条件为真时才会执行插入操作。
hive支持insert into hive支持数据删除和修改 Hive介绍 Hive是Facebook开源,用于解决海量结构化的日志数据统计问题;Hive是构建在Hadoop(HDFS/MapReduce/YARN)之上的数据仓库;Hive的数据是存放在HDFS上面的,分为数据和元数据,底层的执行引擎可以是:MapReduce/Tez/Spark,只需要通过一个参数就能够切换底层的执行引擎;Hive...
hai, how to insert a value in a table with where condition in sql server 200. insert into replies values title = 'network' where user1 = "bala" i use this condition but the error occurs how to sol...
WITH upd AS ( UPDATE employees SET sales_count = sales_count + 1 WHERE id = (SELECT sales_person FROM accounts WHERE name = 'Acme Corporation') RETURNING * ) INSERT INTO employees_log SELECT *, current_timestamp FROM upd; 酌情插入或者更新新的 distributor。假设已经定义了一个唯一索引来约束...
To use an expression with a table alias, you must put the expression into the select list with a column alias, and then refer to the column alias in the VALUES clause or WHEN condition of the multitable insert. ALL into_clause Specify ALL followed by multiple insert_into_clauses to ...
> if 1=1 (insert into acct_table(AcctSessionId) VALUES ('test') ELSE 'false' END; Thanks in advance. Best regards, Rui Cunha Subject Written By Posted Insert into with IF condition Rui Cunha August 26, 2011 09:33AM Re: Insert into with IF condition ...