> > if 1=1 (insert into acct_table(AcctSessionId) VALUES ('test') ELSE 'false' END; Your parens are unbalanced, so it is unclear. IF in an expression to be inserted: INSERT INTO tbl (col) VALUES ( IF(condition, 'this', 'that') ); ...
在MySQL数据库中,可以使用IF函数来实现在INSERT INTO语句中使用IF语句。IF函数的语法如下: IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false) 其中,condition是一个逻辑表达式,value_if_true是当条件为真时要插入的值,value_if_false是当条件为假时要插入的值。 下面是一个示例,演示了如何在INSERT INTO语句中使用I...
在IF子句Oracle中执行insert语句时,可以根据条件选择性地插入数据。语法如下: 代码语言:sql 复制 IFconditionTHENINSERTINTOtable(column1,column2,...)VALUES(value1,value2,...);ENDIF; 在上述语法中,condition是一个布尔表达式,如果为真,则执行INSERT语句将指定的值插入到表中的相应列中。
BULK INSERT into "new" table possible? BULK INSERT into a table variable Bulk insert into local table from Linked Server table? BULK INSERT into specific columns? Bulk Insert issue with pipe field terminator Bulk Insert limitation? Bulk insert operation with checking if record exists Bulk Insert ...
into Nodes identified byExpression1are inserted as direct descendants (child nodes) of the node identified byExpression2. If the node inExpression2already has one or more child nodes, you must use eitheras firstoras lastto specify where you want the new node added. For example, at the start...
INSERT INTO Production.Location WITH (XLOCK) (Name, CostRate, Availability) VALUES ( N'Final Inventory', 15.00, 80.00); 捕获INSERT 语句的结果 本节中的示例说明如何使用OUTPUT Clause从 INSERT 语句影响的每一行返回信息(或基于的表达式)。 这些结果可以返回到处理应用程序,以供在确认消息、存档以及其他类似...
INTO 這是一個選擇性的關鍵字,您可以在 INSERT 和目標資料表之間使用它。 server_name 這是資料表或檢視表所在之連結伺服器的名稱。server_name 可以指定為連結的伺服器名稱,或使用 OPENDATASOURCE 函數來指定。 當server_name 指定為連結的伺服器時,database_name 和 schema_name 就是必要參數。當 server_name ...
i put on some lipstic i put out a cigarette i quite agree with th i ran my head into th i reach my limit i read the bottle i realize that honey i really cant drink i really feel bad i really feel series i really hate him i really like ya i really love you i really never knew...
INTO tablename (column1, column2, column3...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...); Syntax Explanation: The syntax starts with the keyword “INSERT INTO”, thereby informing the MySQL Server about the type of activity to be performed. This is a mandatory keyword and cannot be omitted...
> if 1=1 (insert into acct_table(AcctSessionId) VALUES ('test') ELSE 'false' END; Thanks in advance. Best regards, Rui Cunha Subject Written By Posted Insert into with IF condition Rui Cunha August 26, 2011 09:33AM Re: Insert into with IF condition ...