通过观察,流水表比原表多了一些字段,这些字段显然是需要我们自己补上去的,流水表多了n个字段,那么insert into 流水表(原表字段...,新增字段 ) select 原表字段,待填数据 where 原表主键=主键id值 假设流水表多了3个字段,那么代填字段我们就需要补上3个值,而原表主键id在增、...
Example 4: Insert using both columns and defined values in the SQL INSERT INTO SELECT Statement In previous examples, we either specified specific values in the INSERT INTO statement or used INSERT INTO SELECT to get records from the source table and insert it into the destination table. We ca...
insert into 流水表(原表字段...,新增字段 ) select 原表字段,待填数据 where 原表主键字段名称=传来的主键id值 于是我想了一个办法 而在我们开发过程中sql会是这样的 insert into studentcopy(id,name,age,operator,modidate) select id,name,age,#{operator},#{modidate} from student where id=#{id} ...
TheINSERT INTO SELECTstatement copies data from one table and inserts it into another table. TheINSERT INTO SELECTstatement requires that the data types in source and target tables match. Note:The existing records in the target table are unaffected. ...
INSERT INTO CUSTOM_TABLE(Code, Name,[OBJECTID] ,[DOCNUM],[REFNUM]) VALUES(@MAXNO, @MAXNO,N'1', N'1', N'1'); Now I'm getting an error (incorrect syntax near select) when I execute this query in HANA after transforming the query as follows: INSERT INTO CUSTOM_TABLE(Code, Name...
Following is the syntax of the SQL INSERT INTO... SELECT statement −INSERT INTO table_new SELECT (column1, column2, ...columnN) FROM table_old; Before using this query, we have to make sure that −In the database where we are going to insert data, source and target tables ...
I am using a insert into ... select ... statement to insert multiple rows into a table however, I receive the following error when the statement is executed: SQL Anywhere Error -185: SELECT returns more than one row. Here is my code: begin declare @pyear integer= 0 pri...
您只能更新可以看到的行,即具有FOR SELECT策略的行,如the documentation所述:[...]需要SELECT权限的...
但是,要确定是否存在冲突,您需要能够从表中SELECT。如果没有冲突,添加FOR SELECT策略将使语句成功。