postgres=# \setVERBOSITYverbosepostgres=#insertintot_confselect*from(values(1,'test'), (1,'test1')) t(id,info)onconflict(id); ERROR:21000:ONCONFLICTDOUPDATEcommand cannot affectrowa secondtimeHINT: Ensure thatnorowsproposedforinsertionwithinthe same command have duplica...
Postgres upsert是指在执行插入操作时,如果遇到冲突(例如唯一约束冲突),则执行更新操作。在PostgreSQL中,可以使用INSERT INTO ... ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE语句来实现upsert操作。 对于给定的问题,当执行Postgres upsert操作时,如果另一个表中的某个值的id值与目标表中的id值重复,...
postgres=# insert into t values (1,'test',now()) on conflict (id) do update set,crt_time=excluded.crt_time returning xmax; xmax 0 (1 row) INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t values (1,'test',now()) on conflict (id) do update set,crt_tim...
INSERTINTOmeta_data (user_id,file_name, file_path, UPDATE_TIME )VALUES('user_id02','file_name02','/usr/local/file_name03', now())ONCONFLICT (user_id,file_name) DOUPDATESETfile_path=EXCLUDED.file_path, UPDATE_TIME=EXCLUDED.UPDATE_TIME; postgres=#selectctid,xmin,xmax,*frommeta_data; ...
postgres=# select*from decoding_test;x|y---+---12|9101|20--插入时发生主键冲突,执行后面的update语句,将y更新为400,EXCLUDED表示准备要新插入的这一行数据。 postgres=#INSERTINTOdecoding_test(x,y)values(101,400)onconflict(x)doupdatesety=EXCLUDED.y;INSERT01postgres=# select*from decoding_test;x...
PostgreSql 使用INSERT INTO table_name(id,value) VALUES (1,1) ON CONFLICT(id) DO ...语法(ON CONFLICT可以接多个字段,但必须存在唯一索引) 在INSERT INTO操作时当唯一键冲突可以做一些解决冲突的处理,一般有如下3种处理场景 当唯一键冲突时,不做处理 ON...
INSERT INTO [...] ON CONFLICT does not find unique/primary key constraint for a referenced conflict target in an attached Postgres DB. Hence, the Upsert does not occur. To Reproduce Running INSTALL postgres; LOAD postgres; ATTACH 'host=localhost user=postgres password=postgres' AS pg (TYPE po...
一个典型的Upsert(Insert or Replace)场景如下,一张用户表,通过INSERT INTO ON CONFLICT执行插入新用户/更新老用户操作: CREATE TABLE users ( id int not null, name text not null, age int, primary key(id) ); INSERT INTO users VALUES (?,?,?) ...
insert into broker (cluster_id, broker_id, host, port, timestamp, status) values on conflict (cluster_id, broker_id) do update set host =, port = excluded.port, timestamp = excluded.timestamp, status = excluded.status ...
How to Use INSERT ON CONFLICT Statement in Postgres? Here is the syntax of theINSERT ON CONFLICTstatement: INSERT INTO tab_name(col_1, col_2,..., col_N) VALUES(val_1, val_2,..., val_N) ON CONFLICT target action; Let’s describe the above-given query step-by-step: ...