在MySQL中,您可以执行以下操作:INSERT IGNORE INTO Table2(Id, Name) SELECT Id, Name FROM Table1SQL Server是否有类似的东西? 0 0 0 ABOUTYOU 我使用IanC建议ignore Duplicates的唯一索引来解决类似问题,使用Option创建索引WITH IGNORE_DUP_KEYIn backward compatible syntax, WITH IGNORE_DUP_KEY is e...
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM Table2 WHERE Id=1) INSERT INTO Table2 (Id, name) SELECT Id, name FROM Table1 ELSE INSERT INTO Table2 (Id, name) SELECT Id, name FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.Id<>1 没有使用 IF - ELSE 有更好的方法吗?我想根据某些条件避免两个 INSERT INTO-SELECT 语句。 之...
MySQL>insert ignore into test1(id,name,type)(select id,name,type from test2);Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.01 sec)Records: 4 Duplicates: 1 Warnings: 0MySQL>select * from test1;+---+---+---+| id | name | type |+---+---+---+| 101 | aaa | 1 || 102 | bbb | 2 || 1...
KEY IGNORE, this is consistently the case, without spurious duplicates or any other incorrect behavior (that I'm aware of). Presently, this works fine with tens of thousands of tuples. I've also done quite a lot of other smoke testing of the feature, but this isn't included ...
INSERT IGNORE 暗示其他类型的失败会在未经通知的情况下溜进来。 我的这些假设是对的吗?简单地跳过可能导致重复的行并继续到其他行的最佳方法是什么? B Bill Karwin 我建议使用INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE。 如果您使用INSERT IGNORE,那么如果它导致重复键,则不会实际插入该行。但该语句不会产生错误。它会生...
这个报错可以通过INSERT IGNORE INTO、INSERT INTO ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE避免。 通过INSERT IGNORE INTO避免约束冲突,IGNORE关键字可以忽略由于约束冲突导致的INSERT失败的影响。 obclient>INSERTIGNOREINTOt_insert(id,name,value)VALUES(3,'UK',10003),(4,'JP',10004);Query OK,1rowaffected obclient>SELECT*FRO...
Transact SQL :: Insert Unique Values Only Using MERGE Jun 2, 2015 I'm trying to use merge data from a staging table to a production table. There are a lot of duplicate values for serverName and I only want to insert one instance where there are duplicates. ...
But I'm pretty sure there are other problems that are solved bytry_insert(if only the problem of “Missing a good way to insert into a HashMap while ignoring on duplicates,” I think?)(edit:.entry().or_insert()works for this case, so let's say the problem of “insert's semantics...
INSERT INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1); ...Error Code : 1062 ...Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' INSERT IGNORE INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1); ...0 row(s) affected INSERT INTO users_partners (uid,pid) VALUES (1,1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE uid...