必须不会失败啊,即便是事物回滚了, 也会造成id的空号,不会造成重复的。在sql2014前sqlserver是没有序列的功能的。我们经常使用sqlserver的这个特性来获取唯一不重复的整数序列的。
Since you want to insert value into an IDENTITY column, you first need to SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON. Only in this case, SQL Server will allow you to insert it.Here's an example from this link: http://www.sqlteam.com/article/how-to-insert-values-into-an-identity-column-in-sql-serverx_...
Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'T1' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF. SETIDENTITY_INSERTT1ON;#ON可以覆写标识值GOINSERTINTOT1(column_1,column_2)VALUES(-99,'Explicit identity value');GOSELECTcolumn_1,column_2FROMT1;GO 但是,用命令SETIDENTITY_INSERT T1 ON 以后,就...
INSERTINTOsys_dept(dept_id,dept_name)VALUES(100,'Marketing'); 1. 完成插入操作后,我们需要关闭IDENTITY_INSERT: SETIDENTITY_INSERTsys_deptOFF; 1. 现在,我们再次插入一条记录: INSERTINTOsys_dept(dept_name)VALUES('Sales'); 1. 这时,dept_id列的值又会自动递增生成。 状态图 下面是IDENTITY_INSERT命令...
When executing sql("INSERT INTO delta_gencols VALUES 1") Delta Lake 1.2.1 fails with the following AnalysisException: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Cannot write to 'default.delta_gencols', not enough data columns; target table has 2 column(s) but the inserted data has 1 column(s...
Is a computed column. The calculated value is used. column_list and a values list must be used when explicit values are inserted into an identity column, and the SET IDENTITY_INSERT option must be ON for the table. OUTPUT Clause Returns inserted rows as part of the insert operation. The ...
column_list must be used when explicit values are inserted into an identity column, and the SET IDENTITY_INSERT option must be ON for the table. OUTPUT Clause Returns inserted rows as part of the insert operation. The results can be returned to the processing application or inserted into a ...
Allows explicit values to be inserted into the identity column of a table. Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions Syntax SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . ] table { ON | OFF } Arguments database_name Is the name of the database in which the specified table resides. ...
In order to insert a value into an Identity column, set Identity to ON. Use the code below to do so: SETIDENTITY_INSERTTableAON INSERTTableA(ID,SomeName)VALUES(2,'R') SETIDENTITY_INSERTTableAOFF Setting Identity_Insert to ON removes this check. Once you have inserted the record, set ...
SET IDENTITY_INSERT table_name OFF However it can also mean that you are using for example INSERT INTO, in which cause the message tells you to specify the column names. This means using the following syntax: INSERT INTO target_able_name (column_name1, column_name2…. column_nameN) ...