select table_coulm from table_name where partition_name = '2014-02-25'; 1. 5.查看hdfs文件信息 dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/table02; 1. 6.从文件加载数据进表(OVERWRITE覆盖,追加不需要OVERWRITE关键字) LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH 'dim_csl_rule_config.txt' OVERWRITE into table dim.dim_csl_rule...
问题一:datax读取hive分区表时,datax-hdfsReader 读取空目录报错 问题描述: Code:[HdfsReader-08], Description:[您尝试读取的文件目录为空.]. - 未能找到待读取的文件,请确认您的配置项path: /user/hive/warehouse/dws.db/dws_index_business_xzkh/dt_dat...
方式1:查询结果导入到一张新的Hive表中:create table t_temp as select * from t_test; 方式2:查询结果导入到一张已存在的Hive表中:insert into table t_temp select * from t_p; 2.1.导出数据到本地:INSERT OVERWRITE [LOCAL] DIRECTORY directory1 SELECT ... FROM ... 2.2.导出数据到HDFS:...
INSERT INTO TableName_New --PARTITION (partition_year="2000", partition_month="01", partition_date="2000-01-01") PARTITION (partition_year, partition_month, partition_date) SELECT Column1, Column2 --,CAST(Column3 AS BIGINT) Column3 ,Column3 ,partition_year, partition...
在创建表时仔细阅读了上面的脚本之后,value column在分区表中是int类型,在原始表中是string。错误是...
hive库 insert into select用法 在Hive 中,`INSERT INTO SELECT`语句用于将查询结果插入到一个目标表中。它的基本语法如下: ```sql INSERT INTO table_name [PARTITION (partition_spec)] SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM source_table [WHERE Clause]; ``` 其中: - `table_name`:要插入数据的目标表...
第一步:先退出hive客户端 quit; 第二步:控制是否启用查询执行的向量模式 set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false; 第三步:再次进入hive客户端执行 insert 语句即可 insert into table log_orc select * from log_text; 标签: Hadoop生态 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 LZ名約山炮 粉丝- 27...
SET hive.execution.engine=tez; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE rat_log_filtered PARTITION(dt, service_type, event_type) SELECT * FROM table_log_filtered_ext; But I get this "java.lang.ClassCastException. Looking at the exception, this has something todo with OUTPUT types between the two ...
hive (default)> insert into table student_par (id) values(4002); --追加插入数据 insert into hive (default)> insert into table student_par select id, name from student; --替换换插入insert overwrite hive (default)> insert overwrite table student_par select id, name from ...
列的顺序是唯一重要的。源和目标之间应该有一个精确的匹配。附笔 我不知道有哪个sql提供程序支持按列...