This example inserts a Figure caption at the insertion point. VB Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart Selection.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", _ Title:=": Sales Results", Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow See also Selection Object
Position選用Variant會指定上方或下方選取項目是否會插入標號。 可以是WdCaptionPosition常數之一。 ExcludeLabel選用VariantTrue 是表示不包含文字標籤、 Label 參數中所定義。False會包含指定的標籤。 範例 這個範例會在插入點插入 Figure 標號。 VB Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart Selection.InsertCaption Labe...
Selection.HomeKey Method (Word) Selection.InRange Method (Word) Selection.InsertAfter Method (Word) Selection.InsertBefore Method (Word) Selection.InsertBreak Method (Word) Selection.InsertCaption Method (Word) Selection.InsertCells Method (Word) ...
Word Click the picture you want to add a caption to. ClickReferences>Insert Caption. To use the default label (Figure), type your caption in theCaptionbox. Tip:You can also create your own default caption label by clickingNew Label, and then adding your caption in theLabelbox. Word automat...
How to Link Word Table Caption to Document Body: Cross-Reference Wrapping Up In a professional document, it is essential to incorporate a list of tables and figures in the preface of your document. These lists encompass all the tables, figures, and any other custom objects like maps that you... Regards, George Zhao TechNet Community Support Thursday, May 15, 2014 5:53 PM Got this error message. Any help? Kompliation error Syntax error oCell.InlineShapes(1).Range.InsertCaption Label:="Figure", Tit...
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll Inserts a cross-reference to a heading, bookmark, footnote, or endnote, or to an item for which a caption label is defined (for example, an equation, figure, or table). C# 複製 public void InsertCrossReference (ref object ReferenceTy...
So you can do this for the size space you need then bring the one caption back down to size and insert the new captions in the space. Voila! Votes 9 Upvotes Translate Translate Report Report Reply Felixvon Community Beginner , Sep 09, 2018 Copy link to...
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll Inserts a cross-reference to a heading, bookmark, footnote, or endnote, or to an item for which a caption label is defined (for example, an equation, figure, or table). C# 複製 public void InsertCrossReference (ref object ReferenceTyp...