INSERT is a keyword used in SAP ABAP programming. This tutorial covers its introduction & syntax details. INSERT INSERT – Insert in a database table Variants 1. INSERT INTO dbtab VALUES wa. or INSERT INTO (dbtabname) VALUES wa.
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, insering data into database tables can be done using report programs and in SE11, SM30 transaction codes. inserting data into internal tables can be done using open sql statements as 1. collect 2. update 3. modify 4. insert 5. insert lines of ...
First INSERT statement will insert the lines from the work area (<wa>) into the specified database table (<dbtab>) Second INSERT statement will insert the lines from an internal table into the specified database table. ACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEYS addition is used for specifying the duplicate entri...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development HI, You have to put all data into your internal table from your workarea and then you have to apply modify command. MOVE : '1'o TO lwa_account-acc_no, 'aaa' TO lwa_account-cust_id, 'abc' TO lwa_account-acc_type, 'Yes' TO lwa_account-od_opt...
The inserted rows are taken from a work area wa, an internal table itab, or the results set of an embedded subquery SELECT subquery_clauses. The addition connection can be used to specify a secondary database connection. If VALUES is used, there must be an INTO between INSERT and target...
If the runtime error produced by inserting existing rows is prevented by handling an exception, a program-driven database rollback must be initiated, instead of using the additionACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEYS. When an internal table is used, package by package processing makes only some of the rows ...
INSERT INTO ZEBAN VALUES LINE. Reply former_member350142 Explorer 2014 Dec 02 5:57 AM 0 Kudos 7,883 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, If u want to save the data to database table u have to folloe these steps. 1.First u declare your internal table and work area wi...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, If you are able to establish connection and communicate through RFC, then you can create two RFC`s. In 1st RFC get the required data from SAP to powerbuilder in internal table. Modify the data in Powerbuilder. Once done call the 2nd RFC. In the...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I think the structure of datase table and internal table should be same while inserting , INTO CORRESPONDING will not work, you have to go for ur second option Reply anversha_s Active Contributor 2006 Sep 07 10:16 AM 0 Kudos 1,960 SAP Mana...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I have issue while trying to insert record into a custom table having one of the fields with type FLTP length 16 and decimals 16., I have defined an internal of the same type as that of the table. However when I write the data from Internal ...