Mendeley 暂时并不支持WPS。虽然有插件在里面,但是不能正常使用。
This guide simplifies the process of setting up the Mendeley Plugin in Microsoft Word, ensuring your citation and reference management becomes a breeze, even while we await full compatibility with WPS Office. How to Use the Mendeley Plugin? Once you have installed and set up the Mendeley plu...
Citation Excerpt : The results indicate that LbL assembly of cellularized PLA layers could be suitable for bone tissue engineering because they showed increased cell proliferation and osteoblastic differentiation. In addition, a custom-made scaffold was proposed for skin tissue engineering by coculture ...
Citation Excerpt : Despite the low sequence homology and distant evolutionary relationship to the novel SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the RBD domain of the feline coronavirus carries at least six residues that are identical to those at the interface of the SARS-CoV-2 RBD-ACE2 receptor complex (Bud...
Mendeley 暂时并不支持WPS。虽然有插件在里面,但是不能正常使用。