expression。 InsertCaption( _Label_ , _Title_ , _TitleAutoText_ , _Position_ , _ExcludeLabel_ )expression 是必需的。 一个代表 Range 对象的变量。参数展开表 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 Label 必需 Variant 要插入的题注标签。 可以是一个 字符串 或WdCaptionLabelID 常量之一。 如果未定义标签,则...
expression。InsertCaption(_Label_,_Title_,_TitleAutoText_,_Position_,_ExcludeLabel_) 需要expression。 代表Selection物件的變數。 參數 名稱必要/選用資料類型描述 Label必要Variant要插入標號標籤。 可以是字串或WdCaptionLabelID常數之一。 如果尚未定義標籤,會發生錯誤。 若要定義新的標號標籤搭配CaptionLabels物件...
Word.Selection.InsertCaption('图',PicN,'',0,false); %插入题注 Selection.Paragraphs.Alignment =...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 紧靠在指定的所选内容之前或之后插入题注。 C# publicvoidInsertCaption(refobjectLabel,refobjectTitle,refobjectTitleAutoText,refobjectPosition,refobjectExcludeLabel); 参数 Label
TheInsert Captionfeature in Word makes it easy to systematically add captions to pictures in a document. In other Office apps, such as PowerPoint, you manually add a text box near the image and then group the text box and image.See the instructions below. If you have multiple pictures in ...
Label Required Variant The caption label to be inserted. Can be a String or one of the WdCaptionLabelID constants. If the label has not yet been defined, an error occurs. Use the Add method with the CaptionLabels object to define new caption labels. Title Optional Variant The string to ...
Label Required Variant The caption label to be inserted. Can be a String or one of the WdCaptionLabelID constants. If the label has not yet been defined, an error occurs. Use the Add method with the CaptionLabels object to define new caption labels. Title Optional Variant The string to ...
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.dll 紧靠Bookmark控件之前或之后插入标题。 C# publicvoidInsertCaption(refobjectLabel,refobjectTitle,refobjectTitleAutoText,refobjectPosition,refobjectExcludeLabel); 参数 Label Object
private void BookmarkInsertCaption() { this.Paragraphs[1].Range.InsertParagraphBefore(); Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Bookmark bookmark1 = this.Controls.AddBookmark(this.Paragraphs[1].Range, "bookmark1"); bookmark1.Text = "First bookmark"; object Label = Word.WdCaptionLabelID....