expression. InsertAutoText需要expression。 代表 Range 物件的變數。註解如果Word 找到相符的項目,InsertAutoText 就會插入自動圖文集項目,以便取代該文字。 如果 Word 找不到相符的項目,就會發生錯誤。使用Insert 方法搭配 AutoTextEntry 物件來插入特定的自動圖文集專案。
InsertAutoText表达式是必需的。 一个代表 Range 对象的变量。备注如果Word 找到一个匹配项,InsertAutoText 则插入该“自动图文集”词条来替换该文本。 如果 Word 未能找到匹配项,将发生错误。将Insert 方法与 AutoTextEntry 对象一起使用可插入特定的自动图文集条目。
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll Attempts to match the text in the specified range or the text surrounding the range with an existing AutoText entry name. C# publicvoidInsertAutoText(); Remarks If any such match is found,InsertAutoTextinserts the AutoText...
public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range Insert (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range Where, ref object RichText); 参数 Where Range "自动图文集"词条的位置。 RichText Object 是否插入具有原始格式的“自动图文集”条目。 返回 Range 注解 如果不想替换区域,请在使用 Collapse(Object) 此方法之前...
程序集:Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word(在 Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.dll 中) 语法 C# voidInsertAutoText() 备注 如果找到任何这样的匹配,则 InsertAutoText 将插入“自动图文集”词条来替换该文本。 如果未找到任何匹配,则会引发异常。 调用此方法可能会删除Bookmark控件。
When you create an "AddressLayout" AutoText entry, the "AddressLayout" AutoText is ignored when you click Insert Address in the Envelopes and Labels dialog box. When you click Insert Address in the Envelopes and Labels dialog box, the contact that you select...
Word Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.dll Attempts to match the text in the Bookmark control with an existing AutoText entry name. C# 复制 public void InsertAutoText (); Remarks If any such match is found, InsertAutoText inserts the AutoText entry to replace that text. If a match...
Now, the image is embedded in the cell. When you resize or move the cell, the image remains anchored. You can also add text or data around the embedded image in the cell. This provides a great way to embed graphics and icons alongside cell data. The image will stay persisten...
This article focuses on the scanning of one's signature and saving it as an AutoText entry to sign documents with ease. Here is an easy way to do that with just a few keystrokes and a Microsoft Word AutoText entry. The first step is to scan one's signature. With a flatbed scanner,...
When you record a macro in Word 2007 to insert the "Pinstripes" cover page, Word 2007 records the following macro code: Sub Macro1() ' ' Macro1 Macro ' ' ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.BuildingBlockEntries( _ "PlaceholderAutotext_0").Insert Where:=Selection.Range, RichText:...