Anxious-Avoidant Insecure Attachment is a type of childhood insecure attachment style identified byMary Ainsworth. DuringThe Strange Situation Testa child with this type of insecure attachment tends to ignore the caregiver, sometimes almost completely. In addition, the child may have little or no inter...
Avoidant attachment was not associated with self-reported DSM-5 symptoms for any of the addictive behaviors. Emotion dysregulation mediated the relationship between both anxious and avoidant attachment and self-reported DSM-5 symptoms for alcohol, marijuana, and texting. In contrast, emotion ...
What Is Insecure Attachment? The term “insecure attachment” refers to a category of attachment styles generally characterized by a lack of trust and a fear of intimacy, often resulting from unmet childhood needs. There are three primary types of insecure attachment styles: avoidant, anxious, and...
Anxious attachment style Anxious-avoidant attachment style Anxious-ambivalent attachment style Disorganized attachment (a cycle of anxious and avoidant tendencies) Those with an avoidant attachment style may be emotionally distant and struggle to connect emotionally, as they learned during childhood that ...
Anxious attachment often manifests in a need for constant reassurance and fear of abandonment, which can be seen in the insecurities discussed earlier. Avoidant attachment may result in a reluctance to get close or depend on others, while fearful-avoidant individuals might exhibit a confusing mix ...
Ambivalent attachment; Insecure-ambivalent attachment; Insecurity; Preoccupied attachmentDefinition Insecure-resistant (aka anxious-ambivalent) attachment is an attachment classification developed within attachment theory and initially described in the work of Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby. Infants of this attac...
Is insecure parent–child attachment a risk factor for the development of anxiety in childhood or adolescence? Child Dev Perspect. 2014;8(1):12–17. doi:10.1111/cdep.12054 20. Li T, Chan DKS. How anxious and avoidant attachment affect romantic relationship quality differently: a meta-analytic...
Anxious (r=0.27, P=0.001) and avoidant (r=0.19, P=0.004) attachment also correlated significantly with lower sexual functioning.ConclusionsThese findings suggest the relationship between sexual functioning and sexual coercion may be less robust than previously reported, and may be due to a shared ...
Insecure attachment orientation and well-being in emerging adults: The roles of perceived social support and fatigue •We tested how insecure attachment related to well-being in emerging adults.•Avoidant and anxious attachment were linked to poor well-being two weeks... FM Sirois,A Millings,...
Two previous meta-analyses examine the relationship between attachment and satisfaction. Based on Mikulincer and Shaver's (2007) description of the secondary strategies used by anxious and avoidant individuals, Li and Chan (2012) analyzed the associations between anxiety and avoidance, on the one han...