That's so funny.. Fireflies(萤火虫)Children like fireflies. At night, fireflies fly up from bushes and grass. They blink(闪烁)their lights and look very friendly. But most fireflies eat snails. Fireflies will put a numbing liquid(麻醉液体) on a snail's body,so the snail can't move. ...
That's so funny.Dung beetles (壳 )It's common to see fireflies in summer. Fireflies live near water or in a wet environment. At night, fireflies fly up from grass. They blink (闪烁) their lights and look very friendly. But most fireflies eat snails(蜗牛) for food.Usually many ...
Do you wonder how fireflies make this lightThere is a part that can make light under a firefly’s stomach. Fireflies take in air and use it to produce light with special cells(细胞). Different kinds have their own special flash patterns, just like humans have different languages. They use...
Some insect species display polyembryony, which means that one fertilized egg divides into many separate embryos. A few species are bioluminescent. A small number of insects, such as fireflies, are able to generate light that can be used for mating or luring prey. A select few insects are l...
What tree has leaves that look like ferns? What do lightning bugs eat? What do beneficial nematodes eat? What kind of plants live in deciduous forests? What is insect ecology? What do amphibians eat? What does a fly eat in a food chain?
Dung beetles (屎壳郎) are very strong.They can pull things which are 1,000 times heavier than them.They are good at making big dung balls.They love anything to do with dung.They even eat dung.That's so funny. It's common to see fireflies (萤火虫) on summer nights.Fireflies live near...
Fireflies are the romantics of the insect world.Fireflies are insects with elaborate courtship (求偶) dialogues, said Avalon Owens, a research fellow at Harvard University. Male fireflies fly around and a part of their belly will “light up in a little advertisement, like a billboard (广告牌)...
a seed or some other natural object. Some insects use bright, bold colors to send warning signals that they taste bad, sting or squirt out poison. Others have wing patterns that look like the eyes of a huge predator, confusing their enemies. Some insects also mimic bitter-tasting insects; ...
Bugs aren’t just occasional nuisances, they’re crucial to the environment. Now populations of species worldwide are falling at alarming rates.
There are several insects that can produce light, for example fireflies. Note that a firefly is not really a fly; it's a beetle. Learn more about insects There are many different types of insects. Some are good and some are bad. Click here if you want to learn more aboutgood insectsan...